Monday, August 5, 2019


I took this photo of Buddy and I yesterday. I love it. Even though I look ugly (as always) I still like it as it shows how much he loves me. He is my cuddle-bug, always snuggling up close next to me, my beloved companion , best friend and sweet boy and this photo shows perfectlyhow much we love eachother. Getting him was the best thing I ever did and I don't know what I'd do without him. He is the best therapy of all and no one has ever loved me like he does. Without him in my life I'd just be so lonely and lost. He is what keeps me going, and why I get up each day.He is the only joy, love, and light in my life. I just love him so much!

We also got a new microwave, to replace the one that blew up. Now they say no one actually did put a fork in there(unless they actually did but are just trying to cover it up?) even though that's what my mother told me and she said that's what the 12 YR old told her, but when  brought it up(only passing on what I was told remember, I wasn't even there but up in bed for the night) everyone all pounced on me and accused me of making stuff up and spreading false rumours and causing drama,etc. It never fails; somehow everything's always my fault and I always get blamed for everything. I think that I must just be the family scapegoat. I don't know how else to explain it. The 24 YR old also said there's a term for the way they treat me( how they play mind-games with me taking advantage of my mind and try and convince me things happened that really didn't, or trying to convince me things that did happen really didn't,etc. making me doubt and question my mind and my sanity and wonder if I'm losing my mind) is called gaslighting.

 As for the new microwave, first of all my hubby got one that you had to scroll up or down and my mother had a shit-fit raging there's no way she's going to do that or learn something new and she  just wants a regular one with numbers on it.... and she has to be able to use the microwave... and she made him exchange it. If it was me,however, he wouldn't have; he'd just say too bad, suck it up. My hubby and the 12 YR old also went out for pizza and when they came back my mother wanted some left-over for her dinner(like how I want a piece saved for my lunch the next day and all they ever give me, if they even bother saving me any, is a measly runt piece no one else wants and then berate me when I complain all I ever get are the unwanted left-overs tossed to me) but all they had was one puny little piece and she was mad and complained how that wasn't enough,etc... and my hubby said he owes her a pizza! Can you believe it? All I ever get (if I get anything at all) is left-overs and I'm told I should be grateful for the table-scraps they throw mw but for her it's an entirely different story. Yeah,so much for same rules for everyone. My ass. It depends on who you are and if they like you or not, and if they don't( like they don't like me) and you're NOT considered a part of their little "group" then too bad, you get left out and not included and the rules of fairness, sharing, and overall kindness, consideration, compassion, etc. just don't apply.
and they wonder why I think they're such assholes....

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