Monday, August 26, 2019


Here are the guys all dressed up for FanExpo. From left to right are the 18 YR old, the 16 YR old, the 12 YR old, my hubby, the 23 YR old's BF and the 23 YR old. I think the 16 YR old has the best costume and the 23 YR old has the best hair. The wig didn't work on my hubby so he actually ended up shaving off all his hair bald so now he's rocking the Walter White look and looks so bad-ass! I think he should keep it. It's a good look for him. They didn't get home until after Midnight last night.

Here are also fruits of our vine.

Gaaaccckkkk! I saw this as well.......coloured leaves already......and it's not alone,either; it has friends! Schools go back next week,too. Shit, Summer is almost over and fall is nearly here. I had to walk to church yesterday as well without my hubby here to drive me and honest to God I thought I was going to pass out. Even in church too I got so sweaty and hot. It must be my hormones again. Even in the morning it was just 15 C which isn't hot in itself but I was sweating and over-heating to my body it felt like it was in the 30 C's. Sweat just kept dripping and pouring off me and it felt like when you're caught in a hot stuffy room without A/C. It's just awful.

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