Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Glorious Sunflowers.

My summer sunflower project is complete! All 9 of the sunflowers have now bloomed! All the flowers have successfully opened, the last one(the smallest bloom) just opened yesterday. I put alot of love, effoert, hard work, and determination into it and it paid off, not like last year where only one survived and it died before it could bloom.

I love sunflowers. To me they are big, tall, bright, happy, and cheerful.

One of the last ones to open.

I just love the brilliant pattern and design of the centre. Only God.

I feel so accomplished that for once something actually worked out for me and didn't fail but I consider my successes not what I've accomplished in life, but what I've overcome.

Even the bees love my sunflowers! Look closely, can you see it?

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