Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Say Goodbye.

Say goodbye to my sunflowers; they've all died now. Here are more seeds I'm drying out in my windowsill( anywhere else and the mice, etc. will get them) I roasted and salted a batch for a special treat for my hubby as he loves sunflower seeds but he didn't like them so I gave them to the squirrels. The chipmunk is also still running loose in our house ( it must be here for at least a week now, maybe even 2 weeks; I lose track of time) so I left some out for him too and he ate it as I noticed the seeds had been shelled and I remember from when I was a kid and had gerbils and hamsters as pets and I'd give them a big dish full of seeds how they'd always pick out all the sunflower seeds first. Those guys really love their sunflower seeds! The rest of my seed crop I'll give to the squirrels etc.I also saved some to plant next year; the next generation!

Here are the last 2 sunflowers, droopy and dying. That's how I feel,too, just worn-out, saggy, droopy, spent. It's almost like we're leading parallel lives and are dying out together at the same time. Every muscle in my body is still sore, achy and stiff from all the walking and sitting the other day andf even muscles I didn't know I had are hurting and my body is begging for mercy. Getting old really sucks.

After the KISS concert when the girls met Gene Simmons they said he was walking into the hotel with 2 groupies hanging off him and they looked really young too but figure they must be adults as they had tattoos and you have to be 18 to get a tattoo.....but you can also still get one under 18 with signed parental permission, so...... I don't even want to think about what the band does back at their hotel after the show......ewww.... that's just gross..... and if any of my girls ever slept with anyone famous I think I'd have mixed emotions; I'd be both mad and kind of impressed at the same time. The Rocker Chick in me will never die but at the same time I'm still a mother,too.I also enjoyed seeing the young kids at the concert, even 8 and 9 years old, the same age I was when I first fell in love with the band; it was nice seeing the next generation appreciating GOOD music and not the crap they have now.I can still remember in grade 9 this ghetto girl in my class has this big tattoo on her upper arm and back then in the early 80's tattoos were rare and not mainstream like they are now, only bikers and prisoners had them and everyone was aghast when we saw it in swim class and were horrified, Why? Whay did you do? That's just crazy and she got so self-conscious about it from then on she covered it up with a big bandage every time we had swim class. Nowadays pretty much everyone has a tattoo and it's no big deal. The same goes for funky hair like Mohawks, dyed purple, green, blue, etc. but back then it was freaky and weird and I remember my friends and I would even go down Yonge St. on the weekend to look at all the "freaks", Punkers and others with the then-"Bizarre" styles.

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