Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Fly.

Lately it's been so HOT I've been swimming every day. Yesterday I saved a fly from drowning  in the pool. I saw it struggling in there and so I scooped it up in my hands and put it up on the deck. I watched as it dusted itself off and walked away. I know it's just a fly but I still saved a life and it felt good. (I'm an empath like that) I don't know how many insects( except wasps though; I just let those mean little f*ckers drown) and other animals I have resuced from drowning in the pool but others haven't been lucky and I have fished out numerous chipmunks, mice, birds, bats, squirrels and various other "floaters" from the pool skimmer or floating along the surface of the water. I have to say that the chipmunks are the saddest; the cute little things just look so pitiful , tragic,and sad all dead, sopping wet, and floppy like that.

Me enjoying summer, my fave. season, and no, I'm NOT naked( you pervert, you!), I just have my bathingsuit straps lowered so I don't get tan lines. One of my fave. things to do is also picking nice ripe mulberries off our trees, still nice and warm from the sun. My sunflowers continue to do well too and one is even taller than I am now (and I'm 5'6) and for once I actually succeeded at something and didn't fail and I have to say it feels pretty good! Usually everything I do ends up in failure so having something work out for once is an amazing feeling! My hubby also says I always have something discouraging and negative to say to everything they mention but it's not like that; I'm just a mother and I'm cautious and thinking as a mother does I always give everything with warning to be careful,  such as he says they're going out somewhere all day in the sun and I remind them to drink lots of water to stay hydrayted, or if going cycling I say not to forget the helmets, or if out  somewhere to always carry emergency taxi money, or for the girls to never go out in the dark alone but always with someone, etc. and he accuses me of being "negative, a downer, ruining everyone's fun, pessimistic,discouraging, etc.". No matter what I do, it's always wrong and I always get criticized, blamed, put down, I can never "win" either way, but if I didn't care about their well-being then they'd accuse me of being "neglectful" so no matter what somehow I'm always wrong.

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