Friday, August 30, 2019

The Manicure.

This is what you get when you have short stubby anxiety-ridden bitten down nails but still want to look glam and feel pretty: when I was at the Ex I got a manicure. Well, not exactly what I thought I was getting, but that's the way life is when you're stupid, on The Spectrum, and misunderstand things easily. So I walked by this vendor which was a portable nail salon and they had all the shiny glitzy sparkly nail stuff and I'm just like a crow like that, attracted to shiny glittery things, ha, ha, so of course I went straight over and the sign said manicure for only 20$ so of course in my head I thought Oh, wow, only 20$ What a great price! Better than the 50$-60$ I usually pay! I'm going to go for it! and so I inquired and asked them and they said the shellac/gel thing lasts 2-3 weeks, same as my usual I've had done, and so I select a colour, a pretty glittery pink/purple and get all excited and away I go......

thinking I was about to get nice long artificial nails like I always have, esp. since the samples I was shown were a bunch of long plastic nails and all the other women I saw when I looked around getting their nails done all had long nails so.... and the women doing it were Vietnamese and their English wasn't that good and I had trouble u8nderstanding them, Yeh, yeh, I do all finger for 20 dollar, yes it last for long basically I just wasted 20$ to have someone else paint my nails for me (using professional tools and polish and stuff) that I could have just done myself and saved the $$$$ and never ended up with the nice long nails I thought I was going to have and needless to say I was disappointed and to make things even worse is I ended up picking them all off in a bad anxiety attack just 10 days later,too.I originally wasn't even going to mantion it as I felt so embarrassed for being so stupid but it's also so real and so raw and an example of how simple everyday things in life always confuse me and mix me up and how everything for me is always so hard and such a struggle all the time. People like me have a very hard time navigating thru the world that others just merely take for granted and find so easy and maybe my experiences will help other fellow stupids feel like they're not so alone....

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