Friday, August 23, 2019

The Servant.

My mother was complaining how the 24 YR old was mad she kept telling him to do the garbage even though that's his job, etc.... and I told her he was probably mad that she treats him like a servant and that he's NOT her servant and she looked shocked and actually goes, He's NOT? What is he then? and I told her Your grandson! and she just blinked and looked at me blankly and went silent, not knowing what to say. That pretty much sums it up though; she thinks everyone is her own personal servant though, she always has. She has the kids bring her food and drinks all the time, for example, to fetch it from the fridge because she's too lazy to go get it herself (that's something I've never done and will never do, make the kids my slaves; I've always put my own pop in the fridge, for example and get my own drinks from the fridge) my hubby makes them put his pop in the fridge,too. The 12 YR old is her main slave but she does it to the others,too. The other day none of her slaves were home so she asked my hubby to get her a drink from the fridge(she knows better than to ask me because she knows I'll say something like What am I, your slave? Get up and get it yourself! The last time I checked laziness isn't a disability!Just because you have a hole in your arse doesn't mean you're crippled! and he refused; he's just like her,people serve HIM, not the other way around, and so I eagerly watched with bated breath to see who would "win"(they both battle for dominance)and when he returned without her drink she said NOTHING (odd for her) knowing she had lost and sulked her way into the kitchen without a word and got it herself! HA! If she's sick or had surgery or something that's different I help out but not just because she couldn't be bothered and she's always bossing the 24 YR around and, in fact, the only time she even speaks to him is if she's ordering him around to do somthing.

It's the same whenever we're out anywhere, like you should see how she treats airline staff, cruise staff, hotel staff, etc... it's embarrassing. She's very demanding and thinks she's the Queen or something and seems to think because she's old that she deserves special service or something but hey lady, guess what, esp. on the cruise most of the passengers are old, you're NOT the only one, and most of them are rich,too, so why would you get priority over everyone else? I read this article the other day about narcissists (I don't even know if I spelled that right; it's a trick word to say and to spell) and it described both her and my hubby perfectly; people that only think about themselves and never take responsibility for anything and always put the blame on others and use others for power and control acting superior when really it's covering up for deep feelings of inferiority and it often comes from growing up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes of some sort. I guess it does make sense but it's still really hard to live with. 

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