Tuesday, September 17, 2019

.....And Then There Were Three....

The 18 YR old (seen in the photo below) has arrived in Vancouver to start school and begin her new journey in life.Now we only have 3 kids left at home.It was a 5 HR flight and of course her luggage was overweight; bulging out and had to pay overweight fees ( that's what I would be if I were luggage, ha ha) but you have to keep in mind though that she'll be living there too so she brought as much of her stuff as she could but at least BC doesn't have winter like we do she at least she didn't need her parka and boots!  She's staying with the second-oldest( who lives there now) for awhile until her dorn is ready and she starts classes in October. It was a surprise too that the 20 YR old ( seen here with the 16 YR old) came by to visit her before she left and to see her off at the airport. I thought she was the 16 YR old at first when I first saw her standing in the hallway; at just a quick glance! HA!It was nice to see her though and a nice surprise!!To my credit though they look similar and  she does live in Ottawa and I wasn't expecting her to be here. She kept complaining how dirty our house was (she's welcome to clean it if it bothers her that much) and wore a really short mini skirt like the other girls and my mother shrugged off as That's the style! but I don't buy it; I never dressed like that even so; it was the "style" back in the 80's when  was young and thin too but I was always still modest and never dressed like a THOT.

I hope she enjoys it over there, does well in her course and has fun!

Buddy also had another "episode" yesterday. He was laying on my chest and the first thing I noticed was his heart rate suddenly started to race really, really fast and then he jerked up and looked at me with fear in his eyes and I stroked him soothing him it was OK and that I was there with him and he stared straight ahead unresponsive; I'd wave my fingers in front of his eyes and he would stare right thru, not seeing, and then the pupils of his eyes widened really big and it lasted a whole 4 minutes (I timed it)  the longest 4 minutes of my life and then he just came out of it and startled and looked around like What? What just happened? Where am I? and then he was fine, as if nothing happened and was fine for the rest of the day so I still don't know if it was maybe a Focal seizure, a brain-bleed or maybe a heart issue? I doubt it was a stroke though because his balance was fine and there's no paralysis. I worried again I was losing him and it was the worst feeling ever. It just tore my heart apart.

As well, my mother's missing 200$ now and it was safely locked away in the medicine chest that only her, I, my hubby, and the 24 YR old have access to(it has a combo lock on it) and I don't know who stole it; all I know is who didn't; it narrows it down; I know  didn't(I would never steal; I have ethics and  if it doesn't belong to you, you don't take it!) and she wouldn't steal her own $$$ and the 12 YR old, 16 YR old and 18 YR old don't have access......so that only leaves my hubby and the 24 YR old left. It's usually the one you least expect I find but seriously, WTF? Now she can't leave ANY $$$$$ at home anymore, only in the bank. Needless to say she feels really angry, hurt, and betrayed and I don't blame her. Who wouldn't? I also woke up yesterday morning with a sore forehead, like I got hit except I never did and today it's like that on the back of my head and I often wake up with unexplained head injuries so I wonder if I hurt myself during the night hitting my head during seizures unaware.....unless someone sneaks into my room at nights and hits me over the head?

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Thursday Thoughts.

Even if they are family. Fat orange bush pig. Raising children can be a massive strain for someone with mental illness.-Lena Nelson