Friday, September 20, 2019

Mr. Walker.

My mother now has a walker, like the one seen here. I dubbed it Mr.Walker. She can't use it though for some reason whether she hasn't got the upper body strength or it's psychological or what, but my hubby and the 24 YR old still have to continue picking her up and carrying her from the couch to the bathroom every time she has to go and I can tell they're already tired of it; tired of always having to stop what they're doing to cater to her, tired of  the physical exertion of lifting her ( I can't do it; I haven't got the physical strength and she probably weighs more than I do) tired of likely feeling like her servants,etc. but she seems to be revelling in it, in all the attention, in being waited on hand and foot, in having everything done for her and brought to her. She seems to be taking advantage of it and enjoying every minute of it. I do all the household duties such as cooking, laundry, dishes, etc.(and it's so annoying too while I'm busy running around doing all that she's always calling for me to go get her something else)and yesterday I put my back out too loading the dishwasher; the bottom rack was stuck and I bent down and had to fight with it to get it unstuck and my back went out. The second-oldest and the 18 YR old also called her from BC to see how she was; she just hurts her knee and they call (she coos They care about me!) meanwhile I could have cancer here and they don't bother calling to ask how  am (because they don't give a shit) and I bet even after I have my surgery they won't even call,either.

The 18 YR old is also adjusting to her new life in Vancouver. She keeps getting lost in the big city, trying to find her way around and trying to get somewhere that should have taken only 15 minutes ended up taking over 3 hours and at the campus  with her style and flaming brilliant pink hair someone shouted out to her they hope she's there for the fashion course....which of course she is  and she said a guy "hit" on her (I've never been "hit" on in my entire life, such is the life of being ugly) and I'm on this Online forum called Quora where people ask and answer questions and a foreigner asked what Canadians are like and since I'm Canadian and live here among Canadians I felt I was qualified to answer what I perceive all around me so I replied,Beer-swilling, hockey-loving rednecks, calling it truthfully as I see it, and they said it violated their terms and deleted it, saying my comment was offensive! F*ck this PC society where everything is censored and free speech and opinion is banned. What a Fascist Police State! The truth is now a Hate Crime. I'm worried too as I ordered my weed 4 days ago and it still hasn't arrived as it usually comes the next day and only twice 2 days later.....I'm worried it might have gotten stolen in the mail....

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