Saturday, September 21, 2019


Now we rented a wheelchair for my mother(that I named Mr. Wheeler, and interestingly I had a teacher in grade 5 named Mr. Wheeler!) as she refused to use the walker and my hubby and the 24 YR old got tired of always having to carry her to the bathroom(and she's not exactly light) but she still refuses to do anything for herself and has just basically given up, doesn't even try or make any effort and has become suddenly fully dependent. Not that she can't but that she just won't. She won't even attempt to sit up on her own on the couch from laying down(they have to pull her up) and even insists we pull her pants up and down! It's really gotten over the top! She's really really demanding and it's getting on everyone's last nerve. The other day she even yelled at me because I brought the "wrong" mayonaise for her sandwich; I put the one from the squeeze bottle instead of the one from the jar with the twist lid. Mind you the mayonaise itself inside is the exact same, the only difference is the container but it tastes the exact same. I was run around haggard doing everything else, picking up the slack and I just lost it. I really let her have it with her feeling-sorry-for-herself attitude and refusing to even try and I let her have it,Tough-Love-style,exploding that it's really not that bad and that she's lucky to have the help around the house she does, with me being able to do all the household work and my hubby and the 24 YR old to lift her(now they still have to lift her from the couch to the wheelchair and back and forth to the bathroom and she even wakes the 24 YR old up early because she has to pee, something he doesn't appreciate) and that other people aren't as lucky; they live alone and don't have anyone to help them and that it could be much worse; reminding her that she just fell and hurt her knee, but she's not an amputee, she doesn't have cancer, she's not recovering from surgery, she's not dying, in a coma, paralyzed, etc... She also always complains how I do everything "wrong" ( not the way she does it) although I don't know how you could possibly do laundry, dishes, etc. 'wrong" and always critical and I'm doing it all the best I can and it's alot of work all just for one person( instead of divided up) and I told her, I'm doing it all on my own and I'm doing the best I can! I'm not perfect!! and then she whines, I'll ask someone else to help me thenif it's so much "trouble"! I won't bother you again! See what I have to put up with? It's maddening! I'd hate to think what it would be like if she really was seriously incapacitated!!

As well, the 12 YR old is away this weekend at Cadets camp, his first time away from home without family, and it's been a week since Buddy had his first "episode" and he seems fine and I'm so grateful(yet still cautious) and I didn't honestly think he'd still be here and that I'd still have him and I'm so grateful for this "extra" week I didn't think I'd have and for each and every day he's still here with me. I can't even imagine what I'd do without him and I don't even want to live in a world without him. He's my best friend!

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