Monday, September 9, 2019

The Balcony.

The railing on our second floor balcony is,well.....gone. it is no more. We used to have a nice wood painted white railing all along and around it but now there's nothing there, as seen in the photo here. Now it's just all bare, naked and empty and looks so ghetto. The other day while I was out with Buddy on one of his walks I just happened to notice that a couple of the nails on the corner looked like they were loose and coming out so I mentioned it to my hubby that he might want to take a look and secure them in case it becomes a safety hazrd in the winter or anytime really if a strong wind comes by and knocks the railing down and over into the driveway or onto the sidewalk below so he goes up to check, and....

not only a couple of nails loose......but the entire railing was all rotting and loose and falling apart. All the wood supports had been rotten away and he said there was nothing left to secure the nails in to. The whole thing had all fallen apart and was a hazard and he had to tear it all down. So now it looks like this. I was sort of hoping though that he at least wouldn't have torn down the old one until he  replaced it with a new one since it looks so awful now. He hasn't got anything to fix it yet, he's just been looking and it's far more expensive than we thought; it starts at at least 500$ and goes up. Just for wood so we're also looking into other options to see if maybe it costs less, like wrought iron which I also like and maybe won't cost as much. I just hope we can get something up there before winter and something that looks nice and decent and not cheap and ugly but also that isn't too expensive as $$$$ is always an issue for us and we don't exactly have lots of it just laying around.Of course I'd just put my fall decor up on the old balcony too, the scarecrow and leaf garland and it was only up there for a week and now that's gone too with no railing. Shit. Doesn't it figure?

It also feels like fall now too; this morning it was a cold 6 C(but going up to 20 C later)and I could even see my breath and for our morning walk Buddy and I needed our sweaters and I had to put on long pants over my shorts....but I still wore my flip-flops; I'm not yet ready to give those up quite yet...

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