Friday, September 13, 2019

The Dragonfly.

The other day a dragonfly (seen here) kept landing on my leg as I was outside. It would fly off to catch and eat mosquitoes and then return back and land on my leg and hang out with me. I didn't mind though and I thought it was kind of cool actually and I felt kind of honoured and it kept the mosquitoes away. I also keep seeing the same 2 Monarch butterflies every day for the past week or so and I've always had this feeling I'll see a Monarch just before I die too so I don't know if that's related or not.... I'm also in pumpkin spice heaven now: I got to eat pumpkin cookies, muffins and streudel! The 1-2 days before grocery days we always run out of food though and I call Starvation Days and I was looking for a snack before bed but we had no food so I decided to bake something, a brownie....but we had no flour, so how about a bread.....I ended up going to bed hungry. I often wonder if this food "insecurity" might have even contributed to the 16 YR old's eating disorder 2 years ago( and the 23 YR old's too which she developed when she first went off to university 5 years ago but I only learned of 1-2 years ago) We spend 600$ a week on groceries but it's still not enough to last until the next shopping.

I also noticed the other day I was wearing my shorts backwards all morning, incl. taking Buddy out for a couple of his walks out in public like that, completely clueless, and it wasn't even a Weed Day either; that's just me, and yesterday my toothbrush fell in the toilet,too; welcome to my world, and 9/11 anniversary was the other day hard to believe it's been 18 YRS and USA is still going on about it as if they're "special" somehow for being victims of terrorism even though it happens in other countries ALL THE TIME and is a daily fact of life in other places. They also always interfere and invade other nations and then when they fight back they act all surprised and call them "terrorists." 

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