Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ugly Shower Curtain.

I was horrified yesterday morning when I got up to see this hideous thing in the downstairs hallway near the front door: these painfully ugly white curtains that looks like shower curtains! WTF? My hubby had decided all on his own, without even checking with my mother or I first or even asking us if it was ok to replace our old salmon-coloured ones (which we like and are perfectly fine, and came with the house and we'd hade for the past 16 years we've been here and have no problem with) and they are butt FUGLY! It was bad enough that he got rid of the nice floral wallpaper that I liked in the hallway and painted it with a dull boring grim gloomy institutional grey reminding me of  a prison or a mental institution and now this? Both my mother and I hate it and demanded he get rid of it and put the old ones back up which he did but begrudingly. He seemed really mad but he wouldn't ever dare talk back to her or say anything so he just did it in quiet silent anger. If it was just me he would berate me and belittle me and just ignore whatever I say and pay no attention to my opinion and just do whatever he wants anyway, just like how he did putting the hideous things up in the first place without seeing if it was ok. I don't know where he gets it from that he thinks he can just do these things and make these changes without consulting with us first esp. when it's our house and we own it, paid for it with the $$$$ my Babushka gave us for the down-payment and my mother paid all the mortgage payments. Sure he does house repairs but that's it; he hasn't contributed a thing to any of the down-payment or mortgage; it's not up to him to decide what happens to the house, what to do with it, how to decorate it, etc. when he doesn't even own it. That's up to her and I to decide. He seems to think he's the King or something but f*ck that!

As well, the 18 YR old finally got her loan for school: 43 K. Holy shit! How is she ever going to pay that back? it'll take her something like 20 years and after being in our house for at least a month my hubby finally was able to chase the chipmunk outside and then just the very next day when the door was open the sneaky little bugger came back inside. I suspected as much when I heard a noise in the rec-room and at first thought it was Buddy until I saw him at the other side of the room.....oh, shit.....what was that over there then....? and then shortly later I saw him chasing it into the kitchen. My mother was also degrading me again for having to do my banking for me as with my Asperger's it's too complicated and I don't understand it and need help ( it's the same with taxes) and I reminded her, Where do you think I got it from? I see clear signs that you're on The Spectrum,too! and she was furious and hotly denied it and yelled, You got it FROM  YOUR FATHER!!  and I went on to explain about her OCD behavious, her hoarding, her rigidity, her distorted thinking, her "rituals", her quirks, oddities and strange ways, etc. but she refused to accept it, just as she always has her entire life, always refusing to accept blame, responsibility etc. for anything, the fault is always someone else, never hers.

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