Thursday, September 19, 2019


Yesterday was a hard day.

First of all my mother fell down the stairs. I was in the livingroom when I heard this really loud BANG! in the hallway so I quickly ran in ( well, as quickly as I can run) and I found her laying on the floor in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. She said she lost her footing and slipped down the last few stairs but luckily she didn't hit her head but landed on her side with her knee buckled under her.  Her knee hurt and she wasn't able to walk( even more so than usual) so she went to the ER to see if it was broken. She was there for 4 hours and got X-rays on her knee and hip and they said it was clear; no fracture and they immobilized her leg in this brace-thing that keeps it out straight and told her to Take Tylenol for the pain, the same thing they always say, with the Opioid epidemic they don't prescribe anything 'real" for pain anymore and just tell you to always take Tylenol which we all know does nothing for real pain, it just helps headaches and fevers. For my surgery the doctor says that's all I get,too. It's almost like they want you to suffer but at least I still have my weed which takes the pain away even when nothing else does. So now my hubby and the 24 YR old have to carry her to the bathroom and back and it freaks out Buddy who thinks they're hurting her and she slept on the couch downstairs not able to go up stairs and we'll be moving her bedroom from the second floor into the rec-room on the main floor so she's next to the bathroom and kitchen without ever having to go up and down stairs.

As well as that ( as if that wasn't enough) they called from the mammogram place but they didn't call for her like I was fearing but for me (and I remember when I was calling my hubby after the app't to come pick us up at the hospital I heard a little voice impress upon me, You're so worried about her but it's YOU that will be getting a phonecall...... but I just brushed it off at the time) and it was fast: just the next day when they said results take 2 weeks. They said they found something suspicious on my right boob and booking me for a follow-up for a more detailed mammogram and ultrasound. Holy shit: could I have breast cancer? I never would have suspected that or seen that coming as I have nothing to indicate it and I checked it for lumps and I never noticed anything and I'm low-risk too never having used contraceptives or any kinds of hormones and having 11 kids and breastfed....a Facebook friend said that happened to her too and it just ended up being a cyst and that is entirely possible esp. since I do have a history of cysts; cysts on my right ovary, right kidney and bladder.....but then it also makes me wonder why all these cysts though too and does that indicate where cancer might be lurking? Needless to say it was an emotionally draining day but the good news was Buddy was fine all day; no more "episodes" and he's back to his usual self so I wonder what it was?

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