Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Beauty With Age.

Yesterday I was admiring the roses the 18 YR old got when she left work, just before she left for school in Vancouver. Yes, I kept them, so we could still enjoy them after she'd left( they were originally just left behind in her bedroom all alone) and also so I could dry the buds out and use them for a wreath later. I noticed as they aged they took on a whole new beauty; no longer the fresh look of youth and the beauty they once were but now an entirely new kind of beauty, yet beauty nonetheless; now they have dried up and shrivelled they have turned the edges into pretty ruffles and folds that weren't there before and as they have dried they have turned into a pretty 2 toned clolour now, sort of a faded pink and white with a tinge of tan colour.. They are much more fragile and delicate now and break easily but they are still beautiful, only now in a differnet way.
Maybe that's the way we should see people,too, as we age? We still have beauty left, only in a different way? It's still there, it all depends on how you look.

There's this lady in church that sits beside me every week I call Red because she has this beautiful red hair (and it looks natural,too, like the kind Irish people have, she also has this weird eye too I'm pretty sure is a glass eye as it moves "funny" and I try hard not to stare) and this week she mentioned the 12 YR old who was with me, asking if he was my kid( well, of course) and I said he was my youngest and she asked how many kids I have so I told her 11 and that my oldest just turned 30 and she looked surprised and smiled and said I look so good, implying that she must have thought I was younger, but after doing the math figured I must be in my 50's(which I am) but thought I looked younger, which was nice to hear, but she's always saying how she loves my suntan and compliments my clothes but it was still nice to hear. Maybe I'm like those withered, shrivelled-up dried up roses, ha,ha! I certainly feel old with all my medical issues though and my surgery is in just 9 more days and my hubby comes up and says Nothing's going on the 5th, 6th,and 7th of November, right, because I have to go into Toronto for work.... and I freak out, because, you know, it's just my surgery booked on the 7th, that I've only waited 2 years to get and have had booked for the past 4 months!!!!!! so now he says he'll have to switch it to the 5th,6th and 8th and tells me I have to be home from the hospital later that same day....f*ck....what it there are complications (I bleed too much, they find a problem,etc. completely out of my control) and they have to keep me in overnight, or the next day or a few days....WTF? Really?

Here was Buddy-Boy enjoying the sun yesterday. So was I. It was am anazing glorious 15 C and supposed to be the same today too and then drop off and be a seasonal cold 7 C and rain all week so this is probably it.
Enjoy while you can because our days are numbered.

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Pondering For Today.