Saturday, October 5, 2019


I was checking over my blood work results again and this time I also noticed my cholestral was high. This is weird since I don't have a high cholestral diet: I don't eat red meat ( I only eat chicken as I don't like beef and pork hurts my IBS) and I hardly ever have fried food, greasy food, and I never have butter(due to my lactose intolerance) etc. and I'm on medication for it so my guess is it must be genetic ( esp. since my mother does have it,too) or possibly due to my failing liver. In any case it was red-flagged as high-risk for CVD,
OK, what's CVD? I Googled it.
Cardio-vascular disease.
That means heart-attack and stroke.

My hubby also has a few days overtime off work and yesterday would have been the perfect time to work on the balcony railing( you know, before it snows and I'm already not adjusting to the cold and I never will) with a day off and he says he never has time but he did, but instead of working on the railing he goes off and plays cards! He says him and his brother will be working on it today. I sure hope so. If they do I'll post photos of the completed project. Finally. On the 18th (when the 24 YR old turns 25!) the 24 YR old goes to Belgium (Antwerp) to visit friends and the 16 YR old goes to London to visit an older sister. When he was 11 and his oldest brother was 16 I took them across Europe, incl. Belgium( we went to Brugges and Ghent) only he hardly remembers it because they slept thru most of it not being able to adjust to the time change.

My bipolar is getting worse now,too; the Shadow People are back again and also the auditory hallucinations which are usually me hearing someone call my name, or hearing loud clear conversations that aren't there, or dull muffled talking. It really messes with my head. I've also had mysterious bruising show up on my body, daily headaches, a bad old man-style cough for months now ( maybe I smoke too much weed, ha, ha) dry itchy skin, nose, mouth, eyes and extreme thirst, and my Rheumatoid arthritis is so bad lately I'm so stiff and sore I have to wake up during the night to turn over and even my fingers are so stiff and painful I can hardly even move them and sore flank/lower back on the right side. I feel like an old broken down jalopy!

As well, yesterday I ran a virus scan on my computer and it said I had to shut it down and re-boot to complete so I did( and I hate because it always takes forever and waiting isn't my strong suit, ha,ha) and then it said I had to remove my old iTunes and re-install a new one, so OK, I did that....and that's when the problem began; the update somehow changed how I get my songs and sync it to my iPod; the usual way didn't work and I had to call the 12 YR old (who is some sort of uber-genius) to come help me, which he did but he kept yelling at me and belittling me(he's just like his father) telling me how stupid I am. It took over an hour before it would finally work and I was beyond frustrated and I told him to stop being so mean. I told him I can't help being stupid but he can help NOT being so mean.

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