Monday, October 21, 2019

I'm With Him.

Today is election day and I'm with him: Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the NDP party. Being the old Marxist that I am I have always voted NDP. I don't like their stance on abortion but I like all their other policies, esp. social policies such as universal pharma and dental care and making the cost of living more affordable whereas the other parties care more about tax-cuts to the rich and corporations or the environment, the NDP cares more about the average guy, the poor sap just trying to make it thru each day, just trying to make ends meet, just trying to survive, and it's not like the abortion issue will change anything anyway as none of the parties will ever change the law on it; none of them will restrict or outlaw it, so I decided to vote for the one that affects the most day-to-day for the most people. It's hard too though because we happen to personally know the local PC candidate; he is my radio DJ plus also the kids' youth group leader at church and we know he's a good, decent guy (I know, what is he doing in politics?) but it's more about electing the federal party for Prime Minister than the local candidate for Queen's Park. It scares me too to think how the next generation is all brainwashed into the enviro agenda; like some sort of cult they've all been indoctrinated into and eventually the Green Party will likely be elected to rule the country....

At first I didn't think I'd even be able to vote as I don't get the voter registration thing in the mail as having to go "ghost" and "underground" for all those years due to an enemy hunting me down I could never register for anything oor use my real address or phone number so I couldn't be traced but now it's safe I've been able to slowly emerge from the hidden shadows and my hubby said all you need is 2 pieces of ID to vore; a gov't issue photo ID( like my passport) and one with your name and address on it, so today I'm heading off to the polls, eager to try and oust that f*cker Trudeau from office! I would feel really awful if he won by one vote and it was because of me; because I didn't vote and that asshole was re-elected ; that my one vote would have made all the difference. I remember the first time I voted too; once I turned 18 and I stopped off at the poll on the way home from school in grade 12 and I was nervous as it was my first time voting but it was easy! I'm so afraid the Liberals will win and be re-elected again because people in this country are so stupid and don't learn from their mistakes despite him being a phony and a fraud and all the corruption and cover-ups...

I also finally heard from the 25 YR old; he arrived ok and he's tired from the time difference, just like last time he slept thru all of Europe and doesn't even remember it, ha ha, yesterday was my BFF's birthday; she turned 53, I went to confession at church and had our new priest who recently just arrived from Africa, and I saw a Facebook friend named her bong James Bong and I laughed my ass off. James Bong.....I love it and I can just hear it, The name's Bong....James Bong... and I'm worried about the 12 YR old's eye ultrasound,too; I have a bad feeling about it; like they found something bad, and it's this nagging feeling I just can't shake off.....

I was also woken up during the night with this really bad cough(I wonder if I maybe inhaled a feather from my down-filled pillow?) and so bad it was hard to breathe too and I was gasping for air and the cough was so violent it triggered a headache and my sore neck and throbbing aching ears as well as sore stomach muscles it was so harsh and lately I often feel like there's something stuck in the back of my throat as well and I have to clear my throat I just always assumed was my allergies or sinus but now it's starting to make me wonder if maybe it might be something more, and in 17 days is my surgery,too, and as I'm going "under" I will say prayers to God and asking forgiveness for my sins just in case I don't "make" it thru with my weakened body that may not be able to make it thru the rigors of surgery and I had a weird dream last night too I was in a wheelchair in the hospital struggling trying to make it move and I kept getting stuck in a corner and this old lady whizzes by cutting in front of me with her wheelchair and sneered, I come before you! and I was left thinking, That's nothing new; so does everyone; I've heard that my entire LIFE...

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