Friday, October 25, 2019

My Pet-Peeves.

The other day my hubby said if I still had a blog ( what he doesn't know is that I secretly still do, heh, heh) I should do a post about my pet-peeves ( likely so he'd know exactly what they are so he could trigger them to enrage me; he's a shit-disturber like that) so here they are:

My Pet-Peeves:


I absolutely hate, loathe, abhor waiting. It's the worst thing ever and probably my biggest pet-peeve, whether it's standing in line (at the airport check-in,, store check-outs, waiting HRS sitting in the ER, whatever) I detest it. Hurry up, already; I've got things to do, get on with it.


I HATE it beyond measure when I stream the news or TV shows or movies or whatever off the  computer and it always buffers/ freezes on me literally every few seconds and keeps interrupting what I'm trying to watch and it takes forever to watch it( again, more waiting) and it drives me nuts!

High-tech and Self-Serve devices:

Whether it's the self-serve kiosks at the airport to get your boarding pass, or the self-serve check-out at Wal-Mart, or the self-check in scanning your health card at hospital registration or whatever I hate those self-scanning things; they never work for me(I think I jinx electronics and high-tech stuff, plus I'm also stupid and they confuse and overwhelm me) and I always have to get someone to come help me and do it for me anyway. I also detest those Smart appliances we have such as the Smart TV that are so complicated and stress me out to no end because I can never figure out how to work them and always need help and then my hubby and the 12 YR old always get so fed up always having to do it for me because I'm so stupid.

The Mystery Of The Missing Sock:

It never fails: every time I do a load of laundry in the dryer I put in socks in pairs of two but almost always only one ever comes out! What happens to the missing socks? Where do they go? I think there must be some dark, black, vortex void of some sort like the Bermuda Triangle or Black Hole or something where they all get sucked into and disppear forever. Our forks always go missing too. Nevermind the dish ran away with the spoon.... I think our socks ran away with our forks....

Enviro Freaks:

The enviro agenda is like some sort of world-wide cult and New World religion that has brainwashed and indoctrinated society, young people and propaganda is being foisted upon kids in school and has everyone "drinking the Kool-Aid" so to speak. Political Correctness is the same thing. It has taken over everything and has gone too far and is now encroaching on everyone's freedoms, eg. outright banning plastics and straws, for example, and worshipping the creation  instead of the Creator? C'mon, really?

Bad Grammar:

It really bugs me, esp. constantly seeing people write your online in place of you're  or there in place of their and when people talk so low-class like rednecks saying things like youse guys or I didn't do nothin' etc. It just makes my skin crawl. Didn't you people even go to school? Definitely NOT Smarter than a 5th grader!

Computer Issues:

From 404 Error Not Found or having the piece of shit suddenly just re-boot or shut down when I'n right in the middle of something really pisses me off. It's really super annoying when I'm half-way thru a long post or even worse finished and just about to post it and it's all lost. That just gets me sooooo MAD!!

Pre-Empted TV Shows:

I get so royally pissed-off when my regular TV shows are pre-empted or cancelled due to some stupid event such as redneck sports or presidential speech. Put that crap somewhere else, where it belongs, like on the sports network or political station and leave my shows alone!

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