Saturday, October 12, 2019


Going for a walk the other day Buddy made a new friend: the cutest little Teacup  Chihuahua ever: like the one pictured here: she was white with brown and her name was Squishy. She was full-grown but so small her owner scooped her up in his hand. Buddy was easily 3 times her size and he's a Miniature Dachshund! She was a pound at the most, yet 6 years old and has had 6 litters(one a year, a bit much I'd say) and we both just loved her! Buddy, well, for obvious reasons(she was a hot babe) and I just thought she was adorable. I've always loved Chihuahuas and have had several and even bred them and it's my fave. dog breed actually.Speaking of Buddy the scab under his eye where he had the absess was bleeding again; he'd scratched it; I assumed it was itchy so I cleaned it and as I was wiping the blood off with the wet cloth I noticed a prickle was in there from the garden, the kind that often gets stuck to his fur and looks like a sliver, so I took it out and that must be what was causing it. So I put an antibiotic ointment on it and he looked up at me with those big sad eyes of his and licked my hand as if saying thank-you. He was trembling the other day too, shaking like a Chihuahua does, but not like a seizure, more of a shiver, usually indicating pain or fear, so I wonder what it was?

I've also had daily headaches now for the past 3 weeks or so but they're not migraines; they feel different and I'm starting to suspect something more might be going on here, the symptom of something, and I went to Wal-Mart to get a few things ( and, no, I'm not one of those People of Wal-Mart that goes there wearing their pajamas, half-naked etc. although in this hick town I have seen several) and an old lady admired my Rasta hoodie and as I checked out a clerk asked me if I'm tax-free and I excitedly said, hell, yeah! but he asked for ID to prove it and I said I just thought he was asking if I wanted no tax and I said of course and he had a good laugh and I went to McDonald's to pick up a Big Mac for my mother and I and it cost 13$! 13$ just for 2 Big Macs! Can you believe it? They really went up in price! I was going to get fries too but I didn't have enough $; I didn't even have enough to get a drink! I saw someone left an empty cup behind at the self-serve drink fill-up thing and I was tempted to fill it up hoping no one would notice as I was just soooo thirsty, dehydrated and felt faint......but I didn't. I felt ashamed that I even considered it but being thirsty and poor I was desperate but my conscience won in the end.I overcame temptation! Yay!!

I also kept getting locked out of my iTunes and I had to change my password and even still it wouldn't accept it and I can't see too well and the tiny letters and keys on my iPod are very hard for me to see and my fingers are big and fumbling and I'd hit the wrong key and it took forever and never workd so my hubby just changed it to something he'd remember.....because I was taking too long and it wasn't working ( wow....big surprise....something didn't work for me) and he didn't want to take the time to help me or wait.....except he refuses to tell me my own password and then the next day it locked me out again and of course I don't know the password so I had to go ask him and he was busy and yelled at me to get lost and slammed the door on me.....WTF? He wouldn't even write it down for me so I could remember it(I have a hard enough time trying to remember my own passwords) and so now I'm stuck locked out of my own account because it has a password I don't even know and I'm dependent on him to tell me! I hate this.

Last night I was going down the hallway to go to bed as well and my mother comes charging into the bathroom with her walker (I named Mr. Walker) and she runs right over my foot with it(which hurt!)  and she didn't even apologize so I said, Hey! Watch it! and she gives me a look of disdain and snarls, Why don't you watch it? even though she was the one that hurt my foot! She really is a piece of work. I hate it I have a family that treats me like shit.They honestly wouldn't care if I lived or died. I also had a nice 3 days of warm and sun (19 C!) in a row( now it's back to cold again) and I even got a sunburn! Yes! A real, actual sunburn in October! Complete with red, peeling skin! Who'd think?

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Pondering For Today.