Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Balcony Railing, Stage 1.

My hubby finally started to put up the balcony railing.(you can see the "rungs" or whatever-the-hell they're called, I call them rungs, seen here) He said the most time-consuming is the painting. He says there's about 100 of the rungs! His youngest brother( who is my age) also came over to help. It was funny,too because the 16 YR old heard this voice she didn't recognize and then heard the 2 of them chatting away up on the roof and thought to herself, Wow, Papa and the roofer guy sure became fast friends! not realizing at first that it was his brother and they're known eachother all their lives! Ha, ha!

Here is the beginning, the frame on the balcony. That's all they got put up so far but as long as it's up before it snows.....and they say this week is actually supposed to be nice and warm again (Indian Summer?) around 17C to 20 C! Yay! Perfect! So he can be out working on that and I can get back outside and maybe even get some sun/tan!
It's funny with his brother,too; he and I have so much in common; it's almost like we're twins: we both love Bob Marley and like art, creativity, and have the same tastes in music, are both off-beat and different, Hippies, march to the beat of our own drum, have both struggled, both like the ganja, share the same ideals in life, etc....he and I have more in common than my hubby and I's like I got with the wrong brother! HA! I would very much one day like to hang out with him on the porch and smoke a bowl; I really need a friend,someone I can talk to on a deeper level, esp. since Patti and I broke up last year (after she used me!!) and my fave. priest is leaving ( and he is the most kindest,compassionate person I've ever met, and he's a grest listener,too and has always been there to console me thru all my shit and he really cares) and I'll feel all alone . I need someone I can confide in.
He told me something really awful too and since my family doesn't know this blog even exists it's a safe place so here goes, I can unload and vent:
He said years ago when his dad was declining his sister ( who I never trusted ever since she kidnapped our second-oldest when she was 9 months old because she had 4 boys and was unable to have more kids and wanted a girl so she stole mine and my hubby helped her and they stole her off to another town and I had to get the courts involved, incl. an emergency court-order from a judge and police to apprehend her, it was like in one of those movies) and her son drugged the dad so he'd not be of "sound mind" and they tricked him into signing over stuff so they could STEAL $$$$$ FROM HIM so they wouldn't have to work!!!!!! I mean, what sort of scumbag does  such a thing? Stealing money from an old man, and from your own father and grandfather? Shit, no wonder he doesn't trust anyone in his family, and I always thought they were white trash and losers!

Here is yet another mysterious bruise I woke up with, this time on my leg. It's weird too esp. since my blood work showed my platelets were normal, so it's not that. I also still regularly wake up with sore swollen bumps on the back of my head. Why does this keep happening? I wonder what it could be? I also have sharp chest pain so is it heart-related or maybe I do have breast cancer? The chest pain lately feels like sharp pains and also a tightness, and like I'm trying to breathe thru a straw plus a burning sensation and my sore stomach feels like when you have really bad constipation and my lower back like there's something hard pressing on it, like in the late stages of pregnancy and the baby's big hard head is pressing hard on your spine.

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