Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Creepy Old Guy.

Yesterday I saw this suspicious creepy-looking scruffy old guy(he looked like a hobo) hanging around outside our house, leaning up against the fire hydrant staring up at our balcony and typing something in his phone so I went out with Buddy at that point to get a closer look, to keep an eye on him and when he saw me approach him he looked all nervous and squeaked a weak hello.... and I just glared at him and I hovered around until he left and he did, but alowly and then he was slowly walking away, always turning behind him to see if I was still there, and he'd walk a few small steps shuffling along and then just stop and stand there as if he was waiting for me to leave so I turned the corner and pretended to leave, to be out of sight, waiting to see if he'd moved on, and awhile later I returned to see if he'd gone or was still there....and there he was, still standing there right in front of our fence at the backyard, ok this is fishy so I went back inside and told my hubby to have him come out and confront him. I was the "scout" and now it was up to him to ask the guy what he's doing lingering around our house; was he "casing" it to rob, or what?

Luckily from my past I have become adept at remembering desriptions and detail, keen at observation( that comes from being followed, spied on, hunted, etc. you get the idea, and when a car is parked in front of your house "staking" you out you sort of notice, for example or when you're being followed or monitored) such as if someone or something seems "off" or out of place or doesn't quite belong, for example, and so I described the guy to him: old, short, wearing all black, scruffy grey beard, dishevelled grey hair, wearing a red cap, crooked right leg, walking with a limp, has a black cane and smoking.....so out he went...as it turned out he was just a drug dealer waiting for a customer ( and he saw him selling drugs to a kid.....a kid for f*ck's sake and I saw the kid go by moments later,t oo; he looked like he was only 10-11 years old! what the f*ck?), oh, thank God! I thought he was going to rob us or something!! My guess is the scruffy old guy has a prescription for medical marijuana and he's selling it on the street to supplement his meagre pension to make ends meet, you know, so he has $$$$ for rent and food and stuff like that.

The election results: the corrupt Liberals did win, but only as a Minority gov't: the PC got the popular vote, meaning the majority of people that voted elected them, but the Liberals got more seats somehow( I know, it's confusing) so they still get to form the gov't but they have to work with the official Opposition party, so at least they won't have the power like they did and now it will be balanced out and they will be held to some account and likely most of their crap won't be passed, not if the other party vetoes it, so at least it still is some progress, and at least by the PC winning the people's vote it still sent a strong message to the Liberals that the people have spoken and that we're sick of them and their scandals and corruption and voted them out.

It's funny too and I was shocked to hear neither my hubby or my mother have ever voted. Ever. Not once in their lives! I've never heard that before and think it's so weird. My hubby shrugged, Who am I going to vote for? I assume implying they're all dickheads, but at least I voted and I know Trudeau being re-elected wasn't my fault! I also had 64 thousand views on my Quora before I got banned, and this is my brother-in-law: it's for his retirement but the way it looks and is worded at first I thought it like a memorial or something and that he was dying! Holy shit!

I also stepped on shit on the bathroom floor next to the toilet again last night in the dark! Oh, shit, not again! I'm getting really tired of this.....well.....shit, and this time I skidded and slipped in it too and nearly fell and my sock got all shitty....my motherclaimed it this time and said it was hers; that it must have fallen out of her pants.....oh, my God! I started cleaning it up and got so disgusted I just stopped halfway and thought to myself, No way....you know what? I'm NOT cleaning up her shit, I shouldn't have to; it's HER shit, she should clean it up herself! What next? Wipe her ass,too? It's sooooo disgusting!

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Today's Thought.