Friday, November 29, 2019

Eye Trouble.

Good news! The 12 YR old's app't with the eye doctor went well! She said the ultrasound showed that the "bump" on the nerve at the back of his eye was just a harmless mutation; normal for him but not of any concern. Originally they had been concerned it might have indicated intra-cranial pressure although he never presented any symptoms indicating it such as headaches, vomiting or seizures. Thank God! I didn't even know that's what they were thinking or looking for; I thought it was some sort of eye trouble they were possibly detecting like a tumour, glaucoma, cataracts( esp. since it runs in our family; both my mother and Babushka had surgery for them and both my hubby and I were told we're developing them and will need surgery within 10 years to remove) or something along those lines; I had no idea they were even thinking along the lines of fluid pressure in the brain from CSF, swelling, bleeding, etc. which, of course, is much more serious, but thank God he's OK. There's always something, and always something to cause me great anxiety and worry.

I also got this "revelation" that due to my declining kidney function(every time I get blood work done every 6 months or so it shows continual kidney decline) I'm dehydrated, and that's why I'm so constipated and having trouble shitting and also why my eyes and skin is so dry and I hardly pee and it stinks like cat piss....hmmm....could be....I also read about the funniest thing the other day,too: a sweet-looking old lady in surgery and shocked the doctors when they discovered she had obscene tattoos on her boobs and ladybits with arrows on them saying Lick this  Suck this F*ck this . I just about died laughing. It has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard about. The 16 YR old also said something along the lines of None of us have to worry about a hitman ever coming for us and I replied, Well, I might.... but I'm not sure if she heard me or not because she never responded.

All of the kids are also coming up for Christmas except for the oldest and we'll be having at least 15 people here (we had to go out and buy more dishes!) incl. 2 of the kids' old friends from when they were teens, and we still don't know yet if my brother-in-law is coming or not and I'm sad the oldest won't be here and my heart is sad as I long to see him and I really miss him and haven't seen him in years. That would be the best Christmas gift for me actually; to see him; he's always been one of my faves.

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