Saturday, November 2, 2019


First of all I had to post this adorable photo of Buddy: this is when you get pumpkin yogurt on your snoot from licking the container all clean.

My hubby and kids think I'm a hypocrite because I used to celebrate Satan's Day (other people refer to it as Halloween) but now I won't let my kids and I think it's occult and glorifies Satan and the demons but the thing is that I'm not a hypocrite; but rather I learned; I became educated and aware and chnged my ways once I knew. Like most people at one time I just thought it was harmless fun,too; just a fun day to dress up and get candy, until I started going to the homeschooling groups in Ottawa(both the general Christian one and the Catholic one) and both of them opened my eyes and informed me what that day really was; that it actually was a dark occult day to celebrate Satan and the demonic, not just a day of "harmless fun" like I had thought and been brought up to believe, like Satan has deceived everyone into thinking. No one at either of the groups celebrated it, and, in fact, they all knew what it really was and what it really represented and what God said about it, about avoiding everything and anything to do with the occult.

 My hubby tries to excuse it as Christmas and Easter were once pagan holidays too but the difference is that now they've been reclaimed for God but Satan's Day is still and remains a "holy" day for witches, Satanists, pagans, and the like; it's still a big day of celebration for occultists, and we have All Saints Day the day after on 1 November to counter-act the evil of the day before. I haven't celebrated it in over 25 years, ever since I became aware of what it really is. Once I was made aware of it's true nature and occult purpose I changed and stopped doing it. I learned. I changed once I knew the truth. That's not being a hypocrite; that's learning, changing, becoming educated and growing. Being a hypocrite is knowing something is wrong and telling others not to do it but still doing it yourself anyway. That's hypocritical. before I never knew the true meaning of it, but once I found out I was horrified and filled with guilt and once I knew what it really was and what it really represented(and was just disguised as harmless fun) that it was glorifying Satan and the occult I stopped doing it. There's a difference. If you're not aware it's wrong, that's one thing, but once you become aware of what something really is then it's on your conscience to stop doing it. Once you learn you stop.

It's the same with weed. I used to be one of those judgemental assholes that thought marijuana was bad and looked down on people that used it but now I have discovered the medical benefits of it; that it's not "bad"; it depends how and why you use it; like fire; it can be used for good or bad; you can use it for heat or fuel and it's good or you can misuse it and burn someone's house down. It's the same. I have been using it medically for the past 4 years for my migraines and it was the only thing that worked. It's eliminated them. I haven't had one in 4 years now and I used to have them pretty much daily. It also helps other pain too, such as abdomenal etc. and lessens my anxiety as well. So now I have learned I have changed,. I have become educated and enlightened. It's not hypocritical to learn and to grow and change your mind, to not be judgemental and to become more open-minded, tolerant and accepting. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? Speaking of which, last night it was so cold 1 C or so and bone-chilling wind but there I still was, outside hitting the bong, but pain still needs to be managed, moods still need to be elevated and spirits still need to be lifted. I also thought I saw a naked man streaking thru the backyard too but when I went to get a closer look (at this point I'm so desperate I'll take what I can get,ha,ha) I saw it was just the lights from cars passing by. It was soooo windy too it knocked down our big heavy metal basketball thingy too and it landed right down on the ground. I'm just glad no one was standing there under it; that it never hit anyone and that it never fell the other way or it would have crushed the fence and landed on the pool cover and tore it. I also have to keep trying everything 5-6 times before anything ever works for me,too; nothing ever goes the way it's supposed to the first time or even the first few times for me, so I guess that explains why I had so many kids too, although the first one ended up OK; it was after that they started to get a bit wonky...

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