Monday, November 11, 2019

Poppies For PEACE.

Yesterday the 12 YR old had to go and do the 24 HR Remembrance Day Vigil with Cadets so that he missed church, putting military glorification over God! Of course I was beyond furious (God comes FIRST,  before anything!) but what could I do because in this family I have no say, no voice, no authority, no respect, no one ever listens to me or cares what I think, believe or have to say, and never do what I tell them anyway....and there I am laying basically helpless recovering from surgery so what am I going to do anyway...they know he should be going to church first instead of Cadets(or anywhere) if there's a conflict; that God and worship comes first but no one ever listens to me(or respects God or me) or cares what I think or does what I say....needless to say it pissed me off, as does the entire Remembrance Day thing anyway; glorifying soldiers, the military, fighting, violence and war, when you should be honouring, remembering and prayinf for the inncocent VICTIMS OF WAR and NOT the ones that actually perpetrate war!

 For this very reason(only being for peace and not war and not supporting or gloryfying the military and war) I REFUSE to wear a red poppy. The only poppy I'd wear is the white poppy which symbolizes peace. I am not like the millions of other brainwashed Sheeple (incl. my own family) that mindlessly follow the herd and attach red poppies to their lapels every November in support of not only veterens but the present-day military as well (that's the one I have a real problem with; the military today that invade other nations, kill their civilians and steal their resources (Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq come to mind the most recently, for example) there's no way I would ever support that. I refuse to honour the military which is nothing more than gov't-sponsored terrorism and assassins. The military are NOT "heroes". A true hero will risk or even sacrifice his own life to save another, they don't TAKE lives; they try and save them, not KILL them.

A broadcaster also got in trouble for saying that immigrants don't wear poppies and support the troops but he might have a point: if I came from a country like Afghanistan, Syria, or Iraq, for example, I wouldn't wear a poppy(which would be a sign of oppression in my eyes) symbolyzing support for armies that invaded my homeland and killed my countrymen. Why would I? They act like it's NOT OK to NOT wear a poppy and to  be against the military and to NOT support the troops, like you're some sort of counter-cultural terrorist or something for being for peace and against war, like the hippies during the Vietnam war. F*ck it. I've never gone along with  the crowd anyway and I'm not about to start now. 


As well we got a couple of cm of snow and are expected to get our first "real" dumping today for a total of 10-15 cm, and my hubby's just getting the new snowtires put on the car today( just in time!) and the 18 YR old got another 100% on an exam, doing really well, and homeschooled she wasn't one of our best students out of the kids but now doing something she loves, enjoys and is gifted at she's doing really well, and she says guys are always "hitting" on her too but she's a bit "ditzy" and naive and not always even aware that they're "coming on" to her which is both kind of cute and funny at the same time, and my surgery pain is a bit better today but I keep waking up during the night as I have to actually wake up to turn over and I don't shift positions much during the night due to pain so I tend to stay the same way for hours so I'm also really stiff achy and sore too and still none of the out of town kids bothered to ever call to see how I'm doing. The only comment I got was slowly walking down the stairs my hubby joked, Hi, Speedy!

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Pondering For Today.