Saturday, November 16, 2019


A thought occurred: with the way it feels heavy, pressure, and like something's falling out down there plus stinging and returned pain after just starting to feel better and then taking a look and being able to actually see my cervix hanging out at the end of my vag the thought occurred to me after my surgery that maybe I have a prolapse? My weakened pelvic muscles combined from having 11 kids, age, and the surgery just gave up and collapsed and my cervix and /or vag has now prolapsed and fallen out thru the hole and that's what I'm feeling now? I Googled my symptoms and what I'm feeling and prolapse is what kept showing up, that and Vaginal cuff tear where the vaginal cuff(obviously) tears and the inner contents come spilling out, also a problem. When I mentioned it one of my cousins in Europe said she had the same symptoms after she had her last child and it ended up being a pelvic infection so it could be that,too, a post-op infection, although I don't think I have a fever but I have been woken up the past 2 nights in a row sweating profusely with my clothes and pillow soaking wet I just thought was menopause but I don't feel fever-ish though... in any case I see the doc for a check-up in 6 weeks so when she does the exam she'll be able to see if anything has prolapsed....and if it has, off to the OR again for me for another surgery to get it fixed I suppose...

I never got a prescription for anything for pain either, I guess with the opiod epidemic, they just make you suffer; they just said to take OTC Tylenol but Tylenol for  surgery pain is like telling someone whose arm's been cut off to use a Band-Aid but thank God for Mary Jane, nature's natural pain relief, and I was out there the other day in the cold and wind and it was snowing and there I was hitting the bong, but it was kind of magical sitting out there watching the snow coming down, and the plumes of smoke were impressive out in the cold, and it reminded me of the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale of the Little Match Girl who had to use the matches she was selling to warm herself on a cold winter's night but ended up freezing to death despite it.

One of my cousins in Europe also already not only finished all her Christmas shopping already but also has all her cards done and all her gifts wrapped! The BC Girls (the second-oldest and the 18 YR old) are also coming up to visit, courtesy of Air Miles (combination of my mother's and mine) only my hubby booked it with Air Canada, the absolute WORST airline ever and we swore to never give our business to ever again, they're so rude, their customer service sucks, they're awful, they're notorious for bad service and losing luggage, etc.I'd rather swim across the ocean than ever deal with them again. Buddy also scared me last night with his gaaccck hacking sounds and shallow breathing  and I was scared he was dying and I held him in my arms and cuddled him but luckily he's still here today and I'm ever-so-grateful, esp. since he turns 14 in 3 months, it's never too far from my mind and I'm so afraid of losing him. he's my everything; the only love, light, joy,and happiness in my life. What am I going to do without him? Nothing makes me happier either than when he looks up at me with love and he wags his tail and when he climbs up into my lap and puts his paws on my shoulders and nuzzles his head into my neck giving me a Buddy Hug. Sometimes angels don't have wings; they have paws, and the last thing I always say to him every night in bed before we go to sleep is I love ya, Budster, always and forever.

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