Friday, November 1, 2019

Satan's Day.

I wasn't even going to post about this so-called "holiday", not even wanting to acknowledge it, but this needed to be said so here goes: as you all know yesterday was "Satan's Day" otherwise known as Halloween. We don't celebrate it due to it's occult nature but I found out, much to my disgust, horror, hurt, disappointment, etc. that last night my kids and my hubby(and with his help and full co-operation  and encouragement I might add, making it that much worse) went out dressed up for Satan's Day and collected candy, even though they know perfectly well how I feel about it, and even more important, what The Bible says about avoiding everything to do with the occult and that we are to avoid it and yesterday being one of Satanists' and witches etc. highest holiest days, etc. offending God and being blasphemous.....but they don't care; they defied me and even worse: defied God and still snuck out and did it anyway, behind my back which was very deceptive and hurtful.

Then they wonder why I'm always so paranoid and suspicious and don't trust them and always think they're "up" to something. Well, gee....maybe it has something to do with the fact that they're always lying, sneaking around, defiant, disobedient, dishonest, deceptive, doing things behind my back, etc. To make it even worse is the 16 YR old even lied right to my face and told me she had to work and she even went as far as taking her dinner I had prepared and packed for her, carrying out the ruse fully as if she really was going off to work, when instead secretly they all went out for Satan's Day instead, even going as far as sneaking out of the house and getting all dressed up elsewhere so I wouldn't notice( reminding me of my friend in highschool who would change into her slutty clothing and plastered-on make-up once she got to school and then take it off before she got home so her mother wouldn't know.....until that day, of course, she got busted when she forgot her book at home and her mother brought it to her class that one fateful day and caught her all tarted up dressed like a whore, ha ha!) which was especially hurtful.

How did I find out, you may ask? I walked in on them last night sitting together stuffing their faces with candies sharing out of a big bag. It was pretty obvious and then this morning I found a jug of fake blood ( in the photo here) in the bathroom(for their costumes) I wrote f*ck you on the bottle with nail polish ( the only thing I could find in the bathroom to write with but it's permanant so it's good)just to let them know it didn't go unnoticed by me.(and they weren't even smart enough to hide it,either) and the 16 YR old yells after me, Would you prefer it that we took drugs or something?( as opposed to celebrating Satan's Day) and I yelled back, Actually, yes, rather than worshipping SATAN!!! and with that I stalked off and slammed my bedroom dorr behind me, you know, for effect. Every parent is hurt when their kids defy them and go behind their back and disrespect them like this but the worst of it is the total and blatant disregard for God. Then the 16 YR old also told me that all of the kids have been sneaking out and celebrating Satan for years. I try so hard to raise my kids godly and it all just seems for nothing. Like the priest said though, all I can do is try and do my best. I homeschooled them, I made sure they all got their Sacraments, I raised them in faith, I kept them apart from the sin of the world, but the rest is up to God and the seed has been planted so to speak and maybe one day it will take root and grow but I did everything  could.

As well, yesterday( and today) we have weather warnings for the torrential rain and 100km winds ( I could even hear the wind howling and banging on my window all during the night) making Satan's Day a wash-out last night for all the little Satanists (ha ha) so it was like God literally rained on Satan's parade and ruined his birthday party(ha ha) and this morning at 5 am when I got up to pee there was even a dusting of SNOW (no joke!) on the roof tops but has since all melted away with the rain. Ugh.

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Thought For The Day.