Thursday, November 21, 2019

The House.

I can't believe it but this tiny little 3 bedroom bungalow at the side street of our house sold in under just 2 weeks and for 289 900$! Can you believe it? Something so small costs so much, and when we had the real estate guy in a few months ago in to give our house an appraisal he said it would go for about the same price.....even though our house is much bigger and has more property; we have a lot and a half, have 3 floors, 7 bedrooms and an inground can this possibly be? How can our house get the same as a small one floor 3 bedroom bungalow? That just doesn't seem right; I'd think we should be able to get much more than that; it just doesn't make any sense, and from a buyer's point of view wouldn't you want to get more for your money; I mean, if you're spending almost 300K why wouldn't you want more room, more space, a bigger house, for the same price? I just don't see how a much smaller house and a larger one can cost the same. I would think logically smaller houses would cost less and larger houses would cost more but maybe around here it doesn't go by the size of the house but maybe in this location they all cost the same regardless of size, I don't know. This is exactly why  we can't afford  to move because everything else anywhere else costs much more, like at least 4 times as much and even selling this one we still wouldn't have enough $$$$ to pay for anything else and if all we can afford is something around here then why go thru the hassle and expense of moving and just stay in the house we already have now?

It's also been exactly 2 weeks today since I had my surgery and I thought I was recovered, esp. since I feel back to my normal self again and I can stand and walk upright, bend over and sleep on my stomach again, but yesterday I decorated the house for Christmas and when I was carrying the box of decorations up the stairs I felt something pop....and ever since then it feels like something's pulled and is tender and sore in my abdomen again, so maybe it wasn't as healed up as I thought it was, or at least not in the inside and I'm doing too much too soon. I'm also at the Manic phase of my Bipolar now too but I like it as I feel hopeful, energetic and productive but it's also hard to sleep,  and I've been craving a Toblerone chocolate bar for the past month or so too and didn't realize they only come out around Christmas time and now they finally have them and I was able to get one!

My mother is also the worst at leaving her dirty dishes, utensils and half-eaten food on the table, in the livingroom, and all over the place,too; she's worse than the kids, and it piles up all over and I mentioned it to her, something along the lines of she's such a pig and why doesn't she ever clean up her mess(I mean, really, how hard is it to just clean up your shit and put it in the sink or throw it out in the garbage?) and of course she tried to excuse it, never taking any responsibility and this time her excuse was she's old and retired and it allows her certain priveledges and if she wants to be a slob she can be a slob. She really is something.

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