Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Quilt.

I finally found what I wanted for Christmas! Up until now there really wasn't anything I wanted for my gift and I didn't want to just get any old thing just for the sake of getting something so I decided to wait and see until something special came along and once I saw it I would know....and then it did: this, and it's perfect for me,too: a hippo quilt! I saw it on the hippo group I belong to on Facebook and as soon as I saw it I was like, That's it! This is perfect! This is my Christmas present! I know what I want now! so I sent my hubby the link and had him order it but he got the wrong size and got the single bed size when my bed is a queen size.....shit.....but I can still always use it on the couch or drape it across the end of my bed. Even better too: it was half-price and free shipping! I can't wait! Isn't it beautiful and just perfect?

As well, it's been 12 days now since my surgeryand I think I'm pretty well healed up and my incisions look good; not red or inflamed and now my stitches itches too which is also a sign of healing but when I wipe my ass I often see blood, either pink or bright red, I assume from the stress of my constipation although it could be from my colon like before when I had the polyp and I get brown blood from my pee-hole too that must be from my kidneys since they checked my bladder and that was OK. I also checked my BP and it was 153/91 (normal is 120/80) even though I've been on meds to control it for years explaining my headache, and kidneys regulate BP so it could be due to the failing kidneys and probably also because I have kids and that raises my BP as well. I'm also so sweaty this morning as well the sweat was just dripping down my forehead( hot-flashes suck) I even had to open my bedroom  window to let in cold blasts of  winter air to cool off and wehn I took Buddy out for his walk I didn't wear a hat or mitts and had my coat open and I figure people can always tell the women in menopause; the ones walking around in winter letting in the cold, ha,ha.

Lately I've been having weird dreams about my hubby as well: one where he told me he has cancer and has less than a year to live and I said But I thought you said the lumps on your arm weren't cancer? and he said they weren't; the cancer is elsewhere, and another where he announced he's getting married next year and I told him But we're already married and he replied, To someone else; I'm divorcing you and another one where I came out of "retirement" and  went to L.A. to meet my contact and my hubby and his friends had me followed thinking I was acting suspicious and thought I was cheating on him and they beat up the guy. Dreams can be so weird...

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