Thursday, December 12, 2019


I can't believe that 16 YR old Swedish climate activist Greta Thurnberg has been named Time Magazine's Person Of The Year 2019.I mean, really, surely there were much more important news-worthy recipients, such as the protesters in Hong Kong, New Zealand PM Jacinta Arden with her sweeping gun control measures( that USA should wake up and pay attention to and follow her example and adopt) journalist Jamal Khoshoghi(I'm sure I spelled that wrong, sorry Jamal) that was murdered by the Saudis, or how about someone with some worthwhile breakthru in science for example instead of some puppet for the Enviro movement, some pawn they parade around to spread their fear mongering propaganda and indoctrination of their world-wide cult, the New World religion of environmentalism where they are indoctrinated practically right from birth in this generation and programmed it in schools(yet another reason we homeschool) taught to worship the creation and not the Creator, like mindless sheep (sheeple) following the herd, and she says that her generation will change the world
...yeah...right... they can't even decide which gender they want to be, and struggle financially just trying to survive; and they have to work 2-3 part-time minimum wage jobs just to survive, just a sustainable wage, slavery basically, an entire childless generation of renters and tenants, never able to afford to buy their own houses worshipping the earth and caring more about tree-hugging, climate change, recycling,banning plastics, saving the turtles, etc. than building up the economy, decent-paying jobs, affordable housing, accessible timely healthcare, social programs, etc. taking care of people, where the planet has more rights than people do and people care more about the earth than about eachother...this whole enviro-freak thing has just gone waaay too far. There is a difference between good stewardship and taking care of creation(not littering,not abusing animals, only hunting for food and not sport, etc.) but this Green movement has taken on a life of it's own and I don't think people even seem to realize how cult-ish and crazy it's all become....

As for Greta personally, I have nothing against her and I actually admire her, that someone so young can be os vocal and accomplish so much, and I admire her determination to fight for something she believes so strongly in even if I don't happen to believe in it myself and think it's all a crock I still admire her determination, dedication and courage, but the sad thing is though I find that when people are so famous and accomplished and so well-known at a young age like she is they also often tend to die young,too; it's almost as if they achieve things early because they have a short life to live. I also like it that she looks so sweet and cute and innocent too(although I'm sure that's part of their tactics "grooming" her as their puppet and spokesperson,too; remember the Nazis and their propaganda posters with all the cute young girls with braids,too?) she looks like she's about 12 years old and not slutty like most teen girls(sadly) do today. I like that she has Asperger's like me as well yet she's able to rise above it and still be  someone and accomplish someone although I feel sorry for her too because the enviro agenda is also just using her as a pawn as part of their propaganda machine. I have nothing against her as a person, just the propaganda she spouts.

Yesterday was also this kind of day for once; a good Christmas-y kind of day( if it weren't for my fierce abdomenal cramps and pain and so bad I could even hear and feel everything pulsing, churning and twisting and gurgling around in there) and horrific back pain; my bowel wasn't just irritible but downright pissed-off) where Buddy and I went for an early morning walk, before sunrise, and no one was out there, it was just us, and we enjoyed the pure silence, walking in the sparkling snowfall, and then spent the rest of the day cuddling, enjoying this Christmas-scented candle, looking out the window watching the snow come dowm, listening to Christmas music( and when I sang along with it the 12 and 16 YR olds yelled at me to shut up and she even turned it off but I just put it back on; what makes them think they're the "boss" anyway?") eating eggnog yogurt, looking at the Christmas tree lights blinking on and off( and oh yeah, the 16 YR old hates those,too; she's a real Grinch, Scrooge, and Bah Humbug) and I also wonder too if when my lower ears/upper jaw area hurts if it's not my ears or jaw afterall like I thought but maybe it's enlarged inflamed lymph nodes; maybe I have some sort of infection, or even cancer, and that's what making me so sick, run-down , fatigued, and sucking all the energy and life out of me?

The 25 YR old also keeps saying how the second-oldest(she's 29) is now getting too old and running out of time and that her eggs are all going to shrivel up that her best fertility years(in your 20's) has gone now and she'd better hurry up and get married and get prego, although I said she still has time( assuming that's what she even wants; maybe she doesn't even want kids, and actually she'd be better off; trust me, I know) as it's never too late to find love and I had my youngest when I was 40 and I had friends who had babies at age 46 and 47...he also mentioned how she's had 4 boyfriends incl. one at 15 which was news to me, since they're not even allowed to even date until they're 18....and adults, finished highschool and avoid any chances of teen pregnancy...and I just even found out about the one she had in uviversity for 2 years just recently.....see what I mean; I'm always the last to know anything and no one ever tells me anything even though I'm the mother and should be one of the first to know but they always leave me out and push me away. It's like they all belong to this secret elite club I'm not a member of and they won't let me in.

Of all the kids it also hurts me that now only 2 of them even go to church anymore: the 23 YR old( which really surprises me as she's the one who always dresses Goth and in all black and wears skulls and chains,etc, and always concerned me she was getting into the occult, the demonic, the Dark Side) and the 12 YR old, but only because he comes along with me, but the others have all not only stopped going but turned away from God completely saying they don't even believe in God and mock Him and say blasphemous things. I wouldn't even care if they were a different religion(except for Satanism that is) as long as they still worshipped God but they don't even do that anymore. I also had this scary weird dream my hand was melting off, like wax, and the fingers dropped off and were left stubs and there was a big gaping hole left in the middle of my hand too, like it was all burned or dipped in acid. It was really gross.

The teachers are striking(again) too and I have no sympathy for anyone who makes 92K a year and gets every weekend, holiday and summer off plus another week in March and gets a good pension....yet they still want more incl. a pay increase? No one else has it that good and they're still not satisfied? They should all be fired and hire new graduates glad to even have a job. Normally I would support strike action but only for a legitimate reason, like for safe and fair working conditions  and decent wages, but not just to be greedy.The 12 YR old was also going to report someone online for his user-name as well and I told him not to; to just mind his own business and not cause trouble for people and unless someone's in danger, getting hurt or killed then just look the other way and mind your own business; don't go reporting people and causing trouble because you could end destroying their lives(esp. if you report an innocent person for something to think you saw or heard but you don't actually know the whole story) just by being nosey, or even endanger yourself or your family if your report someone and they retaliate at the "snitch". It's a life-lesson I learned well and it's best to avoid trouble, to mind your own people and just let people do their own thing unless someone's in danger.

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