Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Little Christmas.

This is the 21 YR old You know how I got him to smile like that? I said Jive-ass motherf*cker big pimp daddy!.If you look closely he has a piercing on his lower lip! Yesterday we had what I like to call Little Christmas  while the 20 YR old and her BF were still here before they went back last night. We gave them their stockings and gifts and opened our gifts from them. (I got a nice Body Shop coconut flavour bath and body set with soap, body wash and lotion I used this morning in my bath; I love it!) It was my first time really seeing her BF and even though he's rich he didn't seem pretentious or stuck-up at all and in fact was polite and has good manners and even offered me his chocolate when the 12 YR old was passing them around and refused to give me one. I also like the way he was so gentle, loving and protective of the 20 YR old and they're so cute together too the way they feed eachother and snuggle up together and how he plays with her hair and the way they look at eachother I can see the love and I heard him refer to her with his last name too it was so sweet. I think he's going to be my son-in-law one day. I wish I had a love like that but I never have and I never will.

It was funny too when the 20 YR old's BF and the 23 YR old's BF embraced and gave eachother a Bro Hug too and everyone laughed and I wasn't quite sure why or what to make of it whether it was because it meant one was welcoming the other to the Clan or if it was the Kiss Of Death, or what,  and the 23 YR old kept insecurely clinging to her BF the entire time it was like Saran Wrap and she was saying how it's gross and embarrassing though to French Kiss in public ( at least she has dignity) and the second-oldest bragged how her and her ex used to do it( she also said before she has no problem being naked in front of people either; she has no shame) and I noticed she's gained weight since last year too; she's not fat but just heavier and has a puffy face too and for a minute there a thought flashed thru my mind  she might even be pregnant, and she's not married but she is old enough, and when I was her age I already had 2 kids. She also wore the most hideous-looking BDSM dominatrix  costume ever (she looked like Elvira or Vampira or something) probably just to shock me and piss me off but nothing shocks or surprises me anymore; just disgusts me, but I never said anything; she's an adult and can do what she wants and she knows how I feel about it but doesn't give a shit anyway and besides, she's the one that has to go around looking like that with everyone gawking at her.

With the kids all back together again(well, most of them anyway) it was like they were still young and living at home again with them playing video games, wrestling and chasing eachother all around the house again like they used to, and the 12 YR old's sleeping with my mother in her bed again too but not because beds are shuffled around to accomodate company either ( plus 2 of them are staying at motels anyway) as he was there even before,she "babies" him so much,  and now the second-oldest and the 21 YR old are sick with the cold,too.

While checking for mail I also "caught" the 21 YR old outside vaping ( I did always wonder why he went outside so much) and my only concern is he said he uses nicotine in it which can cause cancer I believe and him being a cancer survivor( leukemia) I'm worried may put him at extra risk for cancer returning, and the second-oldest said she didn't get a boob reduction; she just lost weight but it looks good either way whatever she did,  and everyone went off to the mall yesterday as well but I never did. For one thing it was a zoo this close to Christmas and I try to avoid people if I can esp. large throngs of them and so I just took the opportunity to sit outside the back and relax( it was emotionally exhausting for me with all those people here) smoking some weed and savouring the peace and quiet, calming my frazzled nerves. I enjoy seeing everyone again, don't get me wrong, and it's nice having everyone back home, but it's also very frazzling. They also played games like they did in the past and because I've never been into video games, board games and anime like my hubby and the kids are is one reason they say I don't belong but neither does my mother either yet they still incl. her and see her as part of their little group so it's NOT just that; that I have different interests.

Buddy also went ape-shit at the gifts under the tree and could pick up the scents and kept trying to open them and even did open one partly and even grabbed one gift and ran off with it so I had to watch him but when I had my back turned he found his and got it....when I yeled at him he was so sad to be uin trouble he was sulking for the rest of the day. He's like an impatient little kid that can't wait and then I felt badly: what if he died or something before Christmas and he never gets to get his gift? I would have just felt so awful if so. Maybe I should have just let him have it? The second-oldest also visited a friend and her mother invited them to an "activity" as well so along they went....but little did she know it was to recite the Rosary....for over an HOUR....HUNDREDS of Decades... ha, ha, she didn't want to do it and felt stuck but didn't want to offend her hostess so she just sucked it up but a little religion never hurt anybody but it was still kind of funny....speaking of, tonight is Mass again for Christmas and it'll be the most crowded of all year and I have to get there an hour early as it'll be standing room only.

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