Sunday, December 29, 2019


Yesterday Buddy was snuggling on my chest, curled up on my heart and nestled into my neck like this and it was just so adorable and sweet I had to take photos so I could remember this sweet moment always.It just captures the love we share, the bond, the connection, closeness, trust. I've never had a dog like him and I never will. he's the best thing to ever happen to me and getting him was the best decision I ever made and the best thing I ever did.He's the best thing to ever happen in my life. I prayed to God to send someone to love me and He did. He's my best friend always and forever.

No one has ever loved me, gets me, understands me, protects me, defends me, vibes with me, connects with me, looks out for me, listens to me, cares for me, is loyal to me, is always there for me, helps me heal, is "tuned in" to me, is empathetic to me, etc. than he is. he is my soul-mate only in dog form. No one has ever loved me like he does. Thank you so much God for sending him to me, and thank you Buddy just for being you and for loving me when no one else does.

Today the rest of the guys also return home and it was a good week seeing everyone again and this morning before sunrise it was a beautiful bright pink sky as well but usually also means a storm is coming...uh.oh.....not exactly good for flying...but hopefully they'll miss it and will be OK but everyone had a good visit and it was esp. nice seeing the 20 and 21 YR olds again.

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