Monday, December 16, 2019

My Fave. Photos.

These are my fave. photos of the kids when they were younger.I think it shows their personalities or are just plain cute at that age. This one is the oldest when he was a teen, when he went thru that phase he had me put highlights into his hair and he always had a "weepy" eye from that stupid thing he did at camp where he had this gigantic elastic band between 2 trees and pulled it back and it went THWACK!! and hit him in the eye causing him trouble for years, incl. needing it drained and eyedrops. Not his finest moment.

The second-oldest at a beach somehwere in the Mediterrean, might have been Corsica or somewhere, can't remember.

The 25 YR old snuggling with the youngest. He would have been  13 at the time.

The 23 YR old somewhere in Europe at the time.

The 21 YR old.

The 20 YR old.

The 18 YR old. She had attitude even back then.

The 16 YR old.

The 12 YR old. Notice the boogers on his face with sand stuck to it? Typical grubby little boy!

This is a fave. picture of me , one that didin't look too bad, before I got all fat and old and grey and broken. I was 40 at the time.

This is my fave. photo of the 18 YR old and the 16 YR old. They've always been thisclose although when I first brought the 16 YR old home from the hospital after birth and walked thru the door with her the 18 YR old( who was 2 at the time) took one look at her and ran off screaming down the hall! That was her first reaction. I will never forget that.

 and this is my fave, of the 16 YR old and I when she was 4. That was a magical age, back when she used to love me and I cry every time I look at this because of the memories. You can see the love there and I still love her and I always will. I notice lately as well she's being extra mean and mouthy to me too like she does when she's struggling so I hope she's ok and I think it's because she's knows I'm "safe"; a safe person to unload to because she knows that no matter what I won't ever stop loving her and I won't but it also hurts so much because I'm also the one that will always love her the most even if she doesn't realize it or refuses to see it. I also saw this girl in church yesterday when she took off her boots she had bare feet(I can tell by how the family dresses that they're poor but it looks like they have lots of love and I admire that) and her little bare feet and esp when she wrapped herself around her mother in a hug like a monkey with her bare feet reminded me of the 16 YR old when she was little and how she used to hug me like that and I had to hold back the tears. Now all I have left are the photos and the memories.

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