Friday, December 6, 2019


Last night I got my nails done(like I always do over the holidays) at this new salon in town the 16 YR old goes to and for the first time ever the lady doing it wasn't Vietnamese but Causasion! I won't be going back though as I wasn't happy with it. My mother sneered, Are you ever happy? but it's just that I have certain expectations and standards I expect to be met and I did pay 60$ for it afterall so I want it to be right. Normally all the other times I had it done in Kingston(where I normally go) they'd glue on the artificial nail tips and then do the arcrylic gel thing and then the polish but this time she basically made the nails by applying the gel thing with a paint brush and using these stickers to measure and it took forever and they ended up uneven and not the same length and longer than I requested and they were clear and see-thru like glass so when the polish went on you could still see thru them!(as seen in the photo above) I never like actually getting them done either as having Asperger's it makes me very uncomfortable having a stranger touching my hands like that but I endure it to get the end result.

So once I got home I had to fix them the way I wanted it myself, like I always had to do when I got home from the hair salon( which is why I cut my own hair now, plus I haven't got the $$$ for monthly haircuts anymore now either) I had to file them shorter and put another polish over them, a darker shade that covers the clear glass look. The salon lady remembered the 16 YR old too as we have the same unique last name so she figured we were related and she said hers were the longest nails she's ever done( she has the tacky ghetto really long pointy Dragon Lady talons) and she said her 12 YR old really admired the 18 YR old when she used to work at the store with her multi-coloured hair and style and said she's the coolest person she's ever met which I thought was awesome and she'd love to hear. I mean, who wouldn't want to hear a nice compliment like that?

Here are my nails after I fixed them. Much better.While I was at the salon having them done my mother and hubby went to the grocery and wouldn't you know it, they didn't get any of my stuff I had on the list....either that or they got the wrong stuff, same thing that always happens; these things always happen to me so now I have no food all week; they didn't have my turkey/almond/havarti/cranberry wrap, and the subs were supposed to be turkey but they got the salami and ham ones and with my IBS I can't eat pork, and I had written down OIKOS chocolate banana yogurt and they just got banana, etc...and then my mother yelled at me for being disappointed, mad, and pissed-ff because this always happens to me even though they're the ones that f*cked up and she screams at me, Oh, shut the f*ck up! and I always have a hard time each day getting the 12 YR old to eat and do his school work and I asked my hubby to step in and step up and tell him to do it since he doesn't listen to me and instead of being a parent and backing me up he yells at me  to shut up and calm down! WTF? He thinks I'm lazy, entitled,and useless and he never backs me up with the kids or disciplines the kids and always sabotages me whenever I do. I hate my family. I never have any allies, back-up, support, or anyone on my side. I'm always so alone.

These are also my leggings and I posted them on my Older Stoners group on Facebook and everyone loved them and one guy said all I need is the shirt, but I have it actually, and the socks to match too and I have the blanket as well,and my hubby hates it when I wear them but I have to tolerate it when he always wears his shirts with nerdy stuff on it, like scientific formulas and such that no one even understands or childish things like comic book characters, so too bad. I can wear what I want too and I don't need his "permission" for anything. The 12 and 16 YR old also purposely tortured me by blasting the song Santa Baby (I hate as it's so greedy and against the spirit of Christmas giving) on both Alexa and Google Home(and both devices hate eachother and are always having some sort of turf war) so I just ended up unplugging it and put on my headphones and blasted up my own music to drown them out. I don't need their crap and am not putting up with their shit. 

This is also a cool collage of Buddy the 12 YR old made and I had a dream last night a hitman came after me and he kicked Buddy too so I managed to grab him and get out of the house and escape and kidnap my mother and she was actually trying to protect and shield me but I bet in actual life she'd give me up in a second, and she always says how I "dwell" on the negative but it's hard not to when that's what I usually get in life the majority of the time with my bad luck, with nothing ever working out or going right for me, having to do everything 5-6 times before it finally works out and goes right( no wonder everything always takes me so long!) always getting the broken defective product or the one with missing pieces, getting the wrong thing,'s what I've learned to expect in my life, but I do try to be positive though and always try to look for something good in each day, like today for example: I get to enjoy the beauty of a pretty snowfall, I have a TV show,and I get my heavy metal show on the radio tonight. I do try and find joy in the Little Things, in anything I can, so f*ck her.

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