Monday, December 30, 2019

New Year's Steve.

Today is New Year's Eve Eve.
It's New Year's Steve.
Everyone got back safely yesterday and we did get the freezing rain as predicted but luckily they got out of the airspace before it hit and the 23 YR old knew someone who was driving back with 2 others so he gave her a ride and it was funny when he showed up too seeing the size of her big bag he wasn't expecting and trying to fit it in his car:
HIM: You said you had a bag, not a bag!
HER: I told you it was a hockey bag.
HIM: You didn't say it was a goalie bag!
HER: I don't even know what that is!

To be fair though, neither do I(but I assume it must have something to do with difference in size?), but it was funny to watch their exchange and to see him taking everything out of the trunk and re-arrange everything trying to make it fit; it was comical. My brother-in-law ( that lucky bastard!) also arrived in Hawaii yesterday too for the winter(he goes every year, like how my grandparents and aunts and uncles used to go to Florida and relatives in Europe spend winters in Spain) and I finally got to see the newest(and they say the last...) Star Wars movie and it was good and I liked it but I was hoping that Rey and Kylo would get together at the end, but oh, well....The 12 YR old's Christmas chocolate that he left on a shelf in the rec-room also kept disappearing too and he thought someone was stealing it(most likely the 25 YR old who is notorious for eating everyone's food) but I figured out who it was: the mice!!

After the hassle the 18 YR old also gave me for using the left-over candle she'd left behind when she moved to BC for school she never even used it once while she was here visiting and never even packed it away to take back home with her either; she just didn't want me to use it, and the 12 YR old never gave me a gift either but it wasn't the samr as with the 16 and 23 YR old not getting me anything as he only gave gifts to his siblings and not to anyone else so I wasn't the only one excluded, and he didn't know what to give either and it was my suggestion that he draw pictures for everyone so he did. He has $$$$$ but he's saving it up for his university education. He's really good at saving up $$$ too like the 16 and 23 YR old always have been, not like the 18 YR old who even spends $$$$ she doesn't have. It was funny as well when the second-oldest had her friend over and I asked her if she was just a friend or a special friend as nowadays you never know anymore, and I can still remember a time when your partner used to mean business partner and when my friend A (from Jr. High) mentioned about his partner and I asked if they were male or female and he said "male" so you can never tell....

We'll also be ordering-in Chinese food for New Year's; we used to cook turkey etc. but it's too much like Christmas and just a week after so now we have a new tradition and I'm taking down the indoor Christmas decorations today too and the 12 YR old and my hubby were also debating when the new decade starts as well; the 12 YR old says 2020 and my hubby said not until 2021 and I have no idea; I didn't even know we were even near a new decade but when in doubt I go with the 12 YR old because the kid's a little Einstein, and it turns out he was right; I checked with Google. My hubby still kept insisting that he  was right though because that's the problem with these really smart people is that they're also so incredibly arrogant and they always think they're right and can never admit or accept when they're wrong. He really needs to be humbled.

It shocked me as well the 21 YR old was telling me when he and the oldest used to live in the bad part of Edmonton before they moved into a better area they live in now  how they'd be walking home from work at 4 am and there were drugged-out crazy peope everywhere and the police were always there and they saw a stabbing once and people would approach them and try and hit them and rob them and such and one guy asked if they've ever been robbed, trying to "size" them up and they played along saying they have and the guy asked what did they do and one said, We beat the shit out of the guy. I think we killed him, didn't we? I'm not sure, but there was alot of blood.... and the guy was like, So long, man.... and staggered off into the night. My God, that's so scary! I'd like to think that my praying for them daily helps to keep them safe and I know that it does..

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Today's Chuckle.