Tuesday, December 10, 2019


The 12 YR old's going to NYC with his Cadets group for a week this upcoming march Break! What a great trip that's going to be! I know I'd sure like to go there, even just for a weekend to shop although I haven't got the $$$$. His passport expires just the month after too so we'll have to renew it. It's funny,too, of all the places I've been to, 37 countries, NYC is one of the places I've never been to, even though that's one of the places that everyone's seem to have gone to and I've been to exotic places such as Morocco, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, etc. but not NYC. It just sort of strikes me as kind of odd. I tried my new vibrator last night as well and it was amazing! It's really big, something like 9-10 inches long and it's really soft and flexible and I've never been f*cked like before in my life. Who needs a man when you've got a vibrator like that? Of course though with my luck wouldn't you know it whatever rubber it's made of I think I'm allergic to it though because afterwards for a long while my yoo-hoo was really itchy. I also was woken up by thunder(it stormed!) and it scared me because it was out of context; you don't normally have thunderstorms and expect to hear thunder in December.

I had a nice long soak in the bath with lavender epsom salts( and the scent always reminds me of my childhood for some reason too and every time I open the bag and take a whiff I'm transported to when I'm 4-5 years old again) to ease my sore stiff muscles as well and my back's so sore I also use a heating pad on it and my mother dismisses it as just a back ache even though the pain is 7/10 on the pain scale and I can hardly move and she's an ogress of the highest degree, and the 12 YR old called me stupid too and said he's surprised I even graduated highschool and when I told him I not only did but was on the Honour Roll when I graduated and he smirked, That's hard to believe! and my mother said she hates "Gingers" too, that is, people with red hair ( I LOVE  red hair!) and I told her that's discrimination, and it's just like not liking someone because they're Black or something. My family sucks.

This is also the cool snow hut my brother-in-law D built....except it rained alot and now most of the snow is all gone and it doesn't look or feel like Christmas time anymore(I hope we get more snow again but then in January it can f*ck off again) and his poor igloo has all melted into a puddle. It's really cool though and he makes one every year and even has a little fire going inside to keep warm and then after Christmas he goes off to Hawaii for the winter which sounds like a good idea. I wish I could join him. I absolutely loved  Hawaii; it was one of my fave. places along with Italy and Greece. I also notice it takes me much longer to read now than it used to; my concentration is worse and I "wander" off plus with my blurry vision; it used to, on average, take me 4 hours or so to finish an average-sized book but now it takes me 2 days. It makes me sad too, not only to be losing faculties I once had an enjoyed with great ease but I also love  reading and now it's a struggle to stay on task is heartbreaking. I also have this feeling of impending doom today, like something bad is coming, and my hubby and kids taunt me I'm "addicted" to weed even though I also take my other herbals and meds(such as BP cholestral etc.) to maintain health and deal with medical issues so does that mean that I'm "addicted" to those, too, and how about vitamins? You take those every day so does that make you an "addict"? If so then that must mean I'm also "addicted" to breathing, sleeping, and eating too because I do those every day too and need it to survive and to maintain my health and well-being.

I was also telling my hubby that you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you and then he goes, So, are you saying then that we should give back North America to the people that lived here first; the Indians? and I told him, Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying! It wasn't right to just march in and take their land and commit genocide againt them; it was no different than what Hitler did,really.They were here first; what gives us or anyone the right to take it away and kick them out? In church the other day they also said in a Scripture reading about a fatling and it made me think of Buddy who has really porked-up lately and it made me laugh; we're both fatlings, he and I, and what shocked ,surprised and confounds me is I found out that the Apostle Paul didn't write about Jesus until some 50-70 years after His death and all this time, for all my life actually, I somehow thought or assumed, he had written during His lifetime, and then to find out that he'd never even actually met him or knew  him; it was just a second-hand account; basically what they'd call in court as hearsay and Jesus said I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it....yet Paul in his writings cancelled much of the old laws applying to the Jews such as dietary and others....it conflicts....WTF?

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