Saturday, December 7, 2019


I had a thought: maybe my symptoms( mainly really sore back, esp. in kidney area, stiff, sore muscles mainly legs and arms, extreme fatigue, dehydration and even a squeezing and twinges in my chest ,etc.) may mean my potassium level is really low again like it was before and they put me on potassium supplements. Last time they didn't know why it would be so low although there was an issue with my adrenal gland plus the always deteriorating kidneys and this time I think because I'm taking both a diuretic( for my massive swelling and fluid retention which is also likely due to either my kidney or liver issues or possibly both) and laxatives every couple of days due to my constipation and the only way I'm even able to shit otherwise.....could any case I'll just have to eat potassium-rich foods like kiwis and bananas and I'll mention it to the doctor when I see her for my post-surgery check-up in 2 weeks. I also came across a genetic disease called EDS that could possibly also explain things: with it you have really flexible limbs( for example I can still bend my thumb all the way down to my wrist) and it can cause break down in your muscles and it does literally feel like something's eating away my muscles....I'm just trying to figure out what might be causing all my ailments....

Yesterday 3 guys also came to clean out our furnace ducts and we have 23 of them so it took them almost 3 hours and it was really noisy too and sounded like either sandblasting or a really loud hair dryer and it scared the bejesus out of poor Buddy and they said the vents were really dirty but the house is over 100 years old so it's to be expected I guess, and I'm sick of my mother and the kids always leaving their dirty dishes and food all over too so I picked up her plastic cups off the table and threw them out in the garbage which was just right beside the table( I mean, how lazy can you be?) and then she got mad at me and yelled,. Those are supposed to go in recycling, NOT garbage! I have to PAY for garbage, recycling is free! and I told her if she wasn't such a pig and slob, and it's not up to me to clean up after her and she should be cleaning up her own mess.....see what I matter what I do I always get blamed somehow.

These are also our outdoor Christmas lights, and I went online to Saks because I heard they had cashmere sweaters reduced 65% and I remember having cashmere as a teen and my mother saying she had them growing up as well but they were still in the 300$-800$ range even reduced but there's no way I can afford that anymore now I'm poor; we no longer have the $$$$ we once did, but at one time we used to roll like this: one of my mother's friends in Toronto married either the president or CEO( I don't remember which) of Canadian Tire and one of my cousin's sister married into the Chateau Gay wine family and another cousin married into the Rothmans cigarette family, and then another cousin married the Mob Don and they live in Monaco....I really miss my old life and lifestyle...funny too: I remember when the 25 YR old was little he called eggnog chicken milk because in French it's Lait Du poulet which literally translates as Milk of chicken, or chicken milk.

My mother told me as well that my hubby told her that the 16 YR old won't be moving to Vancouver after Christmas as originally planned as her and her sisters weren't able to get the place they wanted and having trouble finding an apartment( and the 25 YR old said all 3 of them would need to earn 2500$ each per month to even be able to just barely survive, and they're students with part-time minimum wage jobs and Vancouver is even more expensive to live than Toronto...I know...hard to believe) but when I asked her she said it wasn't true. To be honest though I wouldn't mind, having her here longer; I'm not ready to let her go yet and wasn't expecting it this early...

They also keep pushing everyone to get their flu vaccines which we never do as everyone we've known that's had it always has bad reactions to it and even end up in the ICU and we just take our 50% chance and generally only get the flu iteself every 10 years or so and it makes me wonder though why though the gov't so aggressivly pushes this, I mean, they don't really care about the people's well-being or give a shit, so what's really in those vaccines it makes me wonder: are they doing some kind of mass sterilization or putting implants of some sort in to track people, maybe it's even  the Mark Of The Beast mentioned in the Bible? In any case I don't trust it or their motives.

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