Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Strep Turkey.

Today is Christmas morning and so far I'm (and Buddy) the only one up and I'm just enjoying the quiet and peace before the chaos begins. I also took Buddy out for his early morning walk before sunrise and not a soul was outside; it was just us and it was completely silent out there, not a sound and it was just so peaceful and serene and I got to spend the time alone with God in thought and prayer. Yesterday I also sat by candlelight, enjuoying the scent of Hazelnut Cream( which actually smells like caramel) beside the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, and reading my devotionals and I'm sick now too; later yesterday I caught the Plague going thru the house and my fever was so bad during the night I even had to take off my shirt and sleep topless. I was also woken up at 3 am with a really bad leg cramp and the 25 YR old  started feeling worse after starting to feel better( which is always a warning sign complications set in) and went to the clinic and it turns out he has Strep Throat so he got anti-biotics and he called in sick at work and they didn't believe him, thinking he was just taking the day off so he got a doctor's note and they should be thanking him for NOT coming in to work and infecting the entire store with Strep and he had to help lift the heavy turkeys into the oven too so now I joke we'll all have Strep Turkey for Christmas dinner.

One of the second-oldest's friend's from university is also over for a visit and she brought a turkey as well so now we have 7 turkeys and we got 3 pumpkin pies from a local bakery owned by friends from the old church and we were supposed to wait until today but I couldn't help myself and snuck a piece yesterday it's just so good( as well as my fave. pie) and it wasn't even a weed day(if it was I probably would have eaten the whole pie), and last night we were looking for the 6 cheeses we got to go with the various crackers too but could only find 2 of turned out that the 25 YR old and my hubby had eaten them all before, so we had to send him out last-minute( just 30 min. before the stores closed since that's when we went looking for the cheese and noticed! That was close!) to replace it,  and it grosses me out as well my mother said she got the stocking stuffer toys at the thrift store (I call the Peasant Store) and so they're second-hand and used, meaning some toddler likely had it in their mouth chewing and sucking on it at some point....and it's just....yuck....nasty...gross...but she made me swore not to tell anyone and they don't read this anyway so no one will ever know and it's just our little secret.....and now yours..

This is also the cool Bob Marley Lava lamp my hubby got my for my birthday which is in just over a week. It came the other day and I LOVE it. it's just so me; Marley, Rasta, hippie, groovy...I also got a closer look at the 23 YR old and her hips and butt look wide like when you're prego so it really does make me wonder esp. since she's always been really thin before( although she did also have an eating disorder too so maybe now she's just healthy and eating and weighing the way she should be?) and her and her BF were showing us their circus-like stunts like handstands and stuff they learn at their acrobatics class(it was really cool and reminded me of when I was younger and used to do gymnastics) and I doubt she'd be doing that if she was prego though due to the risk it poses to the baby; like when I was prego I wouldn't even stand on a step-ladder or even take a Tylenol, for example, so maybe not...

As for this ending year, the best things and highlights for me was going to Jamaica, seeing KISS live in concert ( both things on my Bucket List) and getting to see the 21 YR old after 3 years.

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