Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Keys.

Yesterday my hubby was headed off to the airport in Toronto to pick up some of the kids.....only he couldn't find his car keys. As it turned out, the night before the 25 YR old had used them to go get something out of the car and didn't put them back in their regular spot ( all the kids have a habit of doing that, of taking things and not returning them which is why I no longer let them borrow my shit because then I go to find it and it's gone, incl. yesterday someone took my shoes and my gloves and I went to walk Buddy and I couldn't find them; it drives me nuts) and he couldn't find them and of course the 25 YR old was at work, so he had to walk all the walk there and ask him and he said it was in a coat pocket or another and sure enough he found them, but not in the pocket they should have been. It was quite the drama and adventure and could have been quite a dilemma had they not been found if he had forgotten where he put them( which often happens and he does stuff like this alot) and then my hubby would have had no way to pick the others up at the airport which is 2 HRS away but luckily it all worked out but holy shit....there's always something.

All the flights were of course 4-5 hours late(I told them NOT to take Air Canada warning them they are the worst ever but no one ever listens to me) and they didn't get home until past Midnight ( one was supposed to have arrived at 5 pm!) and I was in bed when they got home and they're still all in bed now; I'm the only one up but at least I got to have hot water when I had my bath, which is actually my biggest concern with all the people here but I'll likely always be the first one up anyway, and like yesterday I already had the laundry done and the chicken cooked by 8 am before anyone else was even awake and yet everyone always says that I'm "lazy" because I have to rest so much on the couch even though I'm also always so weak, sick, pretty much in pain daily, drained, and have zero energy, even though my mother spends pretty much all her time laying in bed all day yet they never call her lazy and excuse it as she's old; well, I'm not well, but I guess that doesn't count for anything because, well, you know, it's just me and I don't matter and no one gives a shit.

So now we have people sleeping all over the house and shoes all piled up in the hallway once again (it looks like a shoe store) like it used to be and it's like the old days when the kids were young and everyone used to live here. Last night the 20 YR old and her BF stopped by for a bit too and will return again today and Buddy remembered them and didn't bark and I thought she looked so thin it worries me and I hope she doesn't have an eating disorder now as well and that her BF isn't the one "pressuring" her to be thin and she was wearing such a short skirt as well it shocked me and was even shorter than what the 18 YR old would wear it was slutty  and with her jacket on it looked like she just had bare legs and wasn't even wearing any pants and she never used to dress like that(and I never dressed like that, even when I was young and thin; I always had self-respect) and it just made me feel both sad and disappointed. I don't think skirts should be any shorter than down to the knee..She's a pretty girl and I love her and I don't want men drooling over her like she's a piece of meat.That's my daughter we're talking about here, my child, not some skanky piece of ass, but that's what everyone's going to think when they see her dressed like that. I tried so hard to raise my girls modest and respectful and to not dress like whores and then they grew up and got lost to the world anyway despite my best efforts and it breaks my heart. Sometimes I wonder why I even bothered. It just seems like it was all for nothing. Just a big waste of my time and effort.

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