Friday, December 13, 2019

Ugly Christmas.

Last night my hubby (pictured here) had his Christmas dinner (catered!) with his bridge club. As you can probably guess the theme was wear your Ugly Christmas Sweater but my hubby, of course, being the King of Tackiness, had to take it a step further than that and wear and entire outfit of Ugly, and, in fact, he has a few of the suits like this and even inspired one of his nephews to get one,too. The only way the hat could possibly get any tackier would be is if it light up and/or played music although I think he does have one somewhere that does actually. He is also so into tacky that he loves those gaudy inflatable decorations people put on their lawns that I just shudder at driving past and have an intense desire to just pop(but I actually wouldn't because I'm not mean like that....ok, maybe I am but I wouldn't destroy someone's property, it's just a secret desire, an evil thought) and he's inspirired the kids too so that when they go to a family dinner(this one was just for members only, not family, unlike his brother's country club party where family is incl. or the Cadets' one) they ALL dress up in their ugliest, tackiest, most hideous Christmas attire ever. They really know how to take it over the top. The most I ever do is wear a rude offensive Christmas sweater with the elves being obscene.

It's also been 5 weeks since my surgery, and unlike alot of women who have their uterus removed I don't miss it or mourn it or feel "less" feminine. It was giving me alot of trouble with all that heavy bleeding and it served me well and did it's job giving me 11 surviving kids( and miscarried 6 others sadly but it's more common than you'd think) but it was time for it to retire; it did well and was over-worked and it was time to go. To tell you the truth I never felt feminine, beautiful, or desirable anyway, even before; it's just not something I've ever felt or identified with myself, being ugly that I am and that men were never interested in me (other than my hubby and he was as desperate as I was) so it really wasn't a loss or any loss in identity, it was actually a relief. I'm also beyond thrilled to finally no longer have Aunt Flow anymore now either as it was such an annoyance and no longer necessary. Before it was a necessary function although a pain but no longer needed anymore.

The 18 YR old's also mad I used a candle she'd left behind when she left for school in BC a few months ago even though she'd just left it in the bathroom, not being used and I figure it wasn't imporant and no longer needed or else she would have taken it with her and figured since it was just left behind it was left there to be used so no harm done but she shrieks about me What does she thinhk gives her the right to use MY candle and was such a  diva(and of all the kids she really is one of the most entitled and snotty ones,too, so that's also just her attitude and the way she is in general,too and she's also jealous the 12 YR old gets to go to NYC when she wants to go) making such a big deal out of it when I just merely thought I was simply making use out of something left behind not being used rather than going out and spending $$$ buying a new one. This is an example of how I always seem to screw up and get everyone mad at me even though it was never my intent. My thinking and reasoning is just different than others with my Aspergers but I never intend harm or ill-will but it never fails: people always take whatever I do the wrong way, misunderstand me and my motives and actions and berate and hate me for it. I'm sorry it bothers her so much but I never meant anything by it; I just saw an unused candle I could use. The 16 YR old is really excited to see her over Christmas though and vice-versa and the best way to describe their closeness is Born-apart twins; they are 2 years apart in age but are inseparable. Next Saturday is also Toronto Transportation Day for my hubby,too: picking up 3 of the kids at the airport and another at the train station for visits!

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