Tuesday, January 21, 2020


M.C is a fat cow! M.C is a fat cow! M.C is a fat cow!
K.C is a four-eyed twit! K.C is a four-eyed twit! K.C is a four-eyed twit!
I can still remember it now, over some 40 years later. I was a kid, around 8-9 or so, and I was visiting my cousins who must have been around 12 and 15 or so at the time and they had this cassette recorder placed stragically in the middle of the upstairs hallway, in-between their bedrooms across the hall from eachother and they'd take turns recording on it and blasting insults to eachother from across the hall as I laughed my ass off. It's funny now though as adults they're so close and the best of friends and they live together in a condo in downtown Toronto! The older one is a stockbroker on Bay Street ( he used to be a chemist) and the younger one used to have a business doing water testing for some enviro thing but I'm not sure what he does now.

Speaking of Four-eyes, I picked up my new glasses yesterday. The ones up top are the new silver framed ones for distance and the purple ones below are my old frames with the new updated lenses for reading. My hubby's insurance at work didn't pay the 80% like we had expected(and like they do for medication) but only around 50% or so and he had to still pay something like 175$ left-over and I could tell he was pissed-off about it but he never said anything in front of the guy.

Today I still have the sore calves and ribs and now I also have a fever too so maybe it's some kind of infection or virus, although that still wouldn't explain the calf pain, and today the congestion is also much worse too with my cold and I have a thwomping headache and pressure on my face and behind my eyes I think must be sinus, and I'm sooooo excessively thirsty too I drink non-stop and I still can't seem to get enough to drink and I'm still dehydrated and feel parched all the time, and my rib pain feels like I got kicked in the ribs, or beat up, fell down the stairs, fell, or was in a car accident, too, but I haven't,so it's a real mystery as to what could possibly be causing it. A few days ago I also did wake up again with a sore spot  on the back of my head as well, as if I had fallen and hit the back of my head and got a bump, except I never did. It's almost as if someone's beating me up during my sleep but I'm pretty sure I'd feel it and wake up if so.....

It's so bitterly brutally cold out too Buddy had a little accident in the house as it was just too cold and he didn't want to go outside but to his credit the turd WAS right in front of the door though, as close as he could possibly get.I heard a radio ad as well that Nothing is better than good quality high-speed InterNet and I thought to myself, Yes there is; good weed and chocolate! and I also try to set small attainable goals in life too such as I hope I can find the coconut coffee cream body lotion when I go to the drugstore today( which I did and that stuff is so luxurious and amazing,too; it's so creamy and smooth and smells like fresh-baked cupcakes right out of the oven!!) and then I feel happy and accomplished when I achieve the goal. Enjoy the little things in life. I also heard a study as well showed that more guys than girls die before age 25, mostly between ages 14-25 and I can't say I'm surprised though as when you hear Hey! Watch this! 9 times out of 10 it'll be a guy and they're so reckless and do stupid shit way more than girls do. My newest luxury and indulgence as well are big fat scented candles and I bet that my 7$ Opal Sunset candle(which smells like men's cologne) that I got at Wal-Mart smells much better than Gywneth Paltrow's infamous 75$ vagina candle!!

I also want to get a new tattoo that combines my love of both sunflowers and weed and I found it: this, only with a slight modification: I want them to do the seeds inside black instead for more contrast. The only thing now is I'm not sure where to put it and where I'm going to get the money as it'll cost between 100$-200$....

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Wordless Wednesday.