Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I saw this photo and I recognized this place ; this street. Not only did I recognize it, but I remembered it; I remembered very clearly walking down it, on a regular basis, I remember living there.

Except I never did.
Not in this lifetime anyway.

But I did. In some time, some place, some lifetime, sometime long ago. I can also remember there being a bridge with water further down and my house being just over that bridge. I also know it's in Europe, either Germany, Austria or Switzerland but my heart tells me it's in Germany, somehwere near Bremen....and so I desperately searched to find the location and it turns out it's Rothenburg Germany, in the Bavaria region.....and guess's just a 45 minute drive from Bremen.

Holy shit.

I have been to Germany before, but to Frankfurt. I have also had similar experiences with London and Moscow. For years I've had recurring dreams of certain streets in both cities and when I eventually did travel there I found myself on those same streets and they were the exact same as in my dreams and I instinctively knew where they went and I knew where I was;I recognized and remembered it, like I had been there before even though it was my first time there....or at least in this lifetime. This sort of thing happens to me alot, even when I was a kid and I can clearly remember when I was about 3 or 4 being somewhere (I forget where it was) and telling my mother it was familiar and I'd been there before and she kept insisting I hadn't but I knew it and remembered it. As for Rothenburg, it might also explain my European spirit and why it's so deeply ingrained into my soul and I've always felt deeply connected to it, even beyond my ethnic European background.

Today also starts a new year and I woke up with a bad headache (I often wake up with headaches but this one is bad) so I'm off to a "great" start already and the other day the 25 YR old ordered an entire pizza just for him too and never shares with anyone else and I asked him for just one slice and he refused even when I reminded him I brought him back food from my early birthday lunch(and that stuff was expensive,too!) and that I share, and then he goes and twists it all around saying I only share expecting something back in return and I told him it's not like that and explained that it works both ways though; that it's reciprocal; it's give and take; it shouldn't always be one person that gives and another that always takes(like him) and if he never shares no one will share with him,either but he still devoured the whole thing himself and never shared and with our Chinese food we got my mother said she even considered not giving him any since he never shares but she decided against it in her "goodwill" ( ha ha) not wanting to "be like him." so he got lucky THIS time but he still hasn't learned his lesson.

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