Saturday, January 25, 2020

My Stoner Buddy.

Yesterday Buddy looked me sadly deep into my eyes and told me he was in pain. I can "read" him like a book and I just knew. He had bad abdomenal pain and then shortly later it was confirmed as he did this awful shit that oozed out like runny chocolate ice pudding and he didn't eat much or want to go for his walks and when I picked him up he tensed up and I noticed at times he was trembling and shaking too, all signs a dog is masking pain so I did the only thing I could and knew how to help relieve his pain (and I know is safe as dog and human meds are often not compatable but I know vets have prescribed CBD oils to dogs for arthritis and pain) : I gave him some of my CBD oil. I used the smallest dose and used a syringe and put it in his mouth under the gums way at the back so he'd automatically swallow it and he did.....look at the photo above: it took 2 HRS to be absorbed thru his body and he was wasted but pain-free.

No more pain; I held him in my arms and I could tell the moment it hit: the look in his eyes just dramatically changed, like he wasn't there anymore and took a short vacation; his eyes were "spacey" and he looked out-of-it, sort of like when you just awaken out of surgery. He was disoriented and could hardly lift up his head and he startled at every movement and sound, stared at things that weren't there so I assume he was hallucinating, and would quickly jerk his head up and startle but most of the time he just slept, and slept well, all pain and tension gone and I could literally feel the pain and tension release as I held him in my arms as the oil hit him; he relaxed in my arms and flopped out, relaxed,blissful, pain-free,just twitching the odd time, and the funny thing is when I took him out to go pee he was wobbly and had trouble standing and he staggered around like he was drunk and he forgot what he was out there for and didn't remember how to go pee and just stood there looking dopily up at me like saying, what? What did you bring me out here for,anyway? The effect lasted for 7 HRS and then he just literally shook it off; he just perked up, stood up and shook his fur like he does when it's wet. It was funny to see a stoned dog but I'm just glad it gave him 7 HRS of pain relief and he was able to relax and get such a good sleep pain-free which was the intent. Today he's still just laying around like he doesn't feel well. Poor thing. I found out I accidently gave him pork the other day ( like me his colon can't digest it and it gives him cramps and diarrhrea; we're so much alike in so many ways!) I thought the liverwurst I gave him was beef liver but turned out it was actually pork...uh, oh! so hopefully it's just that and NOT that he's dying ( if he is  though I want to make him as comfortable and pain-free as possible)but my heart is so fearful and scared. If he is that's the end for me too because we are a pair and we go together. I can't even imagine my life without him in it.

As for me, I still have the cold, over a week now and I'm sweating like a pig and the cough is worse I think I'm going to cough up a lung, even the cough syrup doesn't stop it and I sound like a walrus,and last night the last of my artificial nails came off too but I had them done in early December so it lasted 6-7 weeks which is good as they only promise 2 weeks but I take good care of them so it lasts longer and now it seems I'm back to my "natural state" of being Me, with my regular nails, Buzz-cut and pierced nose so if I died anytime soon I would die in my natural state, the Real Me so to speak, and I feel like an imposter in my own life and like I wasn't raised in my life, I was forged. My weed strain also has a funny name,too: Eran Almog and I think it sounds like the name of a troll or some character in the 25 YR old's Dungeons & Dragons game he plays or something.

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