Friday, January 24, 2020

Purple Hippo.

Yesterday the 12 YR old drew me this hippo even though I did have to bribe him for it. He drew it on some kind of video game using the controllers sort of like how you'd write using a computer mouse. Don't ask me; I can't do any of that. I had to do my signature once using the computer mouse for some online document and of course my dilemma( as well as not being able to write using a computer mouse) is I use the mouse with my right hand for some reason but I'm actually left-handed and I write and sign my signature with my left hand so there I was struggling to not only sign with the mouse but also with the wrong hand. The result was disasterous and looked like a little kid's scribbling or like I'd had a stroke. It was so embarrassing and illedible they wouldn't even accept it. I can only imagine they must have thought I was retarded or something.

I like my purple hippo even if it does sort of look like a water buffalo.He and I have this sort of game where if he wants some of my precious chocolate he has to "trade" me something for it ( little does he know I was still going to give it to him anyway but this gets him to inter-act with me more and spend some time and we play a little game back and forth) usually something like a graham cracker but we didn't have anything as it was Starvation Day when the food runs out and we have to go to the grocery store and buy more( even the dog was scrounging under the couch and on the carpet to see what he could find and I joked pretty soon we will be too, foraging for food) and he couldn't find anything worthwhile to trade and he came up with a lowly Melba Toast,and then a Croc shoe( which was mine to begin with, nioce try Kid) and then yucky salt & vinegar popcorn seasoning ( the absolute worst flavour ever; it smells like feet!) and so on so  then he came up with the idea, How about I draw you a hippo instead? and the idea was born and he never made me a birthday card( none of them did) so I agreed and that would make up for it and here it is. I treasure it because it's hand-made so that makes it special. I gave him guidance along the way as to the shape of the snout, ears, tail,etc. and then once it was all done and I had a copy he desecrated it making the tail and ears really long and putting an obscene symbol on it, etc. and sent me that copy too but I just deleted that one. Number One rule: Don't 'dis the hippo!

I finally got my cough syrup as well and that stuff is sooooo strong it burns and it's just like drinking down pure vodka. Normally colds don't bother me much and they resolve quickly and easily without any issue but this one has really knocked me down and dragged on and run me over.
Also this: it makes me laugh:

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