Thursday, January 23, 2020

Welcome back!

This morning I re-cut( or should I say re-shaved) my hair into my signature Buzz-cut again. Now I feel more like Me again. I missed it and it most personifies the rebel and free-spirit in me. When I looked in the mirror afterwards to admire my handiwork I smiled and said to my reflection, Welcome back! I feel like my old self again, so free. so natural, so reborn. Other people may hate it and think it's crazy or bizarre or whatever they want to think and say but I don't care. I don't life my life for other people or to please them, and no, I wasn't stoned; I didn't Wake & Bake this morning and decide on the spur of the moment to shave my head or anything like that,either; I was thinking about it for several days now, missing it and wanting to go back to it again. Of course my hubby never noticed( he never noticed it the very first time I shaved it 14 YRS ago when our now 21 YR old had cancer,either; the entire house could be burning down all around him and he wouldn't even notice) but all the kids did right away, and the 12 YR old scowled and goes Uugghhh, your hair! It looks, so......weird! and they say I look like my hubby from behind,and it's the easier style to maintain as well: just cut it once a week and wash it every 2 days and that's it. So easy, and so Me. I can never be pretty but I can always be unique.

Finally after about a week my calf and rib pain is much less today but the cough is worse and I sent my hubby to pick me up some cough syrup last niight when he was out anyway and he thought I meant cold tablets....well, no, duh, I said cough SYRUP and then he comes back saying they only had children's.....and of course he never even thought to ask the pharmacist because, you know, the adult stuff usually has codeine in it and it's behind the counter.... f* now I have nothing for my cough(the old one ran out) and today I also woke up with red eyes and a red rash on my arms. This is really a mystery; is it just complications from my cold or is it not even a cold like I assume but some other kind of virus....hey, maybe even the Coronavirus or something, or an infection of some sort, and I also came across symptoms for toxic mold poisoning and it matches all mine, so maybe it could be that.....who knows....

My cousins also told me they're booked a few more cruises for this YR, my friend J (in Ottawa) is in Cuba, and even my radio DJ is in Costa Rica now, as well and my friend A (from Ottawa) and his wife and baby are in Taiwan for a few weeks as well( last YR they went for a few months after the baby was just born to visit his wife's family) and now the baby is 18 months old and I just hate to think how it must have been being stuck in a plane for something like 18 HRS with a toddler, OMG, and I can remember too what it was like when we had $$$$ before and used to travel,too and now we can't anymore and it hurts seeing others that can, like a slap in the face, reminding me of what I once had too and enjoyed but has now been taken from me, what I have lost now we no longer have $$$$ anymore. I can testify that it's much harder to have once had something and experienced a certain lifestyle and then to have lost it and have it taken away than to have never experienced it at all because then you don't know what you're missing.

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