Friday, February 14, 2020

Love Day.

With today being a day for love and poetry it reminds me of the very first poem the 25 YR old write when he was around 4-5:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Make a shit on the wall

and the one A wrote on my yearbook at the end of grade 8:

Roses are red
Violets are black
You'd look better
With a knife in your back.

The 16 YR old is enjoying her time in Vancouver visiting her sisters and I miss her though although NOT her unnecessarily being mean to Buddy which she still continues to do long-distance; she even went out of her way and sent a text to be passed-on to me to tell Buddy and I that he's an Ugly, useless, good-for-nothing rotten Dachshund which I think is uncalled-for and mean, and the 12 YR old really misses her too; he doesn't come out and actually say so but I can tell and he's bored without her around to hang out with and he gets into even more trouble being even more annoying and provoking being bored with nothing to do than he usually is,too. As for me I get a little break not having to pack her lunches for work and prepare her meals but I hope she's still getting enough to eat and keeping track of her meals and snack-times ok while she's away. No matter how old the kids are or where they are I'm still a mother and I'll still always worry about them.

Yesterday was my parents' wedding anniversary too; they were married on 13 Feb. which I always thought was weird; why not wait just one more day and get married on the 14th, on Valentine's Day but it ended up prophetic in a way since they split up when I was just 2 years old and getting married on the know....bad luck.....and my mother always said the 13th was a bad luck day for her...

It's sooooo cold out today too it's mind and face numbing, reminding me of that song I Can't Feel My Face and today I can't feel anything and we have to get our entire water filtration system replaced as well as the "membrane" in the old one completely died again like last time and they wanted us to get a whole new system replaced again which costs thousand$ so we switched over to a new company (Culligan) this time that has a lifetime guarantee on parts and they even dis-assemble it and you can even take it with you if you move,too. The guy's coming back again next week to install it.

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Musing For The Day.