The other day when I was putting an ice-pack on Buddy swollen groin my hubby made a snide remark about me and my Precious Dog even though the same day I was equally doting and caring cleaning up the 12 YR old's puke when he barfed all over himself, his toy, the couch,and the carpet. At least I'm capable of love, and he never does anything when the kids are sick, not getting them food, medications, cleaning up after them, nothing, so he can't say anything, and he's never had any compassion in his life for anyone or anything anyway so he can just f*ck-off. He's starting to feel sick with the virus now too( ha, ha!) and the 16 YR old barfed once but is hoping it was food poisoning from the boloney sandwich she ate and not the virus esp. since she leaves for Vancouver to visit her sisters next week! I woke up again today too with the headache, stiff sore neck and fever and I wonder too if it might even be Leptospirosis, which is an infection passed on by rodent( such as mice, which we do have and Buddy hunts......) droppings and I have the symptoms although symptoms are so vague and match pretty well everything else,too, so it could be anything, but it's been 3 weeks so far now and I still have the virus or infection or whatever it is.
As for Buddy, he still has the swelling and bruising in his groin but no more blood in his pee or shit anymore and I wonder if the swelling(which feels squishy like a swollen vein) might be a hernia or even a varicose vein like I had in my yoohoo when I was prego, esp. as when he lays down you can't see it; only when he stands up and gravity hits, like with the one I had, hubby and the 12 YR old taunt me it changes every day.... but I'm just trying to make sense of it and figure out what it could be, sort of like a detective trying to solve a mystery; the symptoms are like clues I'm trying to piece together and solve to find the answer, like putting pieces of a puzzle together until the picture becomes clear. Sometimes I get a hopeful feeling about it but othertimes I worry it's something more and that I'm just giving myself false hope. It could be an injury too, like someone could have even kicked him and my guess would be either my hubby, mother, or the 16 YR old as the 16 YR old is clear about her disdain towards him as is my mother and my hubby actually did kick him before so it could be any of them and whatever it was it occurred while I was away at church because of course I would never let anyone abuse him; I would give up my own life to protect him, just like I would for the kids.
As expected Trump was aquitted from his Impeachment trial because all the ones voting were his own people and they never allowed any witneeses from the other side to testify so it wasn't even really a trial but a Kangaroo Court and a farce and only Republican Mitt Romney ( who is a Mormon) voted against him and this is the Tweet I posted on Twitter regarding him:
#MittRomney is the man I most admire today. What he did took alot of courage. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, esp. standing alone against everyone else, often at great personal cost but he stood up for his convictions and for justice. He is a brave man.
Where were all the others though? They all just followed the Party Line like mindless sheeple and should be ashamed of themselves. The Republicans say Romney is a traitor but I think he's a hero. Too bad there weren't more people like him and Trump would have been out. This just goes to show that in Real Life sometimes the Good Guys don't always win. The teachers are still on strike here too, for the past couple of months and normally I support workers' rights to strike for better wages and working conditions but not in this case; they earn 92 K plus annually plus all summer off, every weekend and holiday, plus a week in March and 2 weeks in December and yet that's still NOT good enough for them and they want more, plus they complain if class sizes exceed more than 20 kids; when I was in school the average was 40 kids per class and no one cared; that's just the way it was. I don't sympathize with them at all; they're just greedy and I think the Gov't should just legislate them back to work! Another reason I'm so glad we homeschool! It was one of the best decision we eve made as parents( and one thing my hubby and I actually agree on!) It hasn't been easy, and I didn't enjoy it, but it's best for the kids and I've never regretted it.
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