Wednesday, February 19, 2020

New Candles.

My candles didn't burn evenly, leaving half the wax behind so I decided to re-make them but the wicks were all burned down so I decided to just make all new wicks and then melt down the wax and make all-new recycled candles as so not to waste the wax and still have candle use left. So I started to make new wicks, as seen in the photo here.
Who knew that it took so long just to make candle wicks! It takes 4 days.
First I had to use 1 1/2 cups of boiling water and mix in 2 tsp salt and 4 tsp Borax and put in the knotted cotton strings I'm to use as wicks and leave them to soak for 24 HRS. Then I took them out and had to leave them to dry for 48 HRS. After that, I melted wax and coated them in wax and had to leave them again to dry for yet another 24 HRS and then they are finally ready. = 4 days. Then I melt the left-over wax enough to make it pliable and I put the newly fashioned wicks in the middle and form the soft wax around them, making new candles and allow them to harden and dry and there you have candles! Voila!
Then after all that work the 25 YR old tells me, Why didn't you just buy new wicks? What? You can buy wicks? That's actually a thing? I thought you had to go and buy all new candles, not just wicks, so I made my own and now here he goes and tells me you can buy a whole shitload of them off Amazon or something......awww, shit.....sure would have saved me alot of trouble but I don't have the $$$$ anyway and we already had the string, salt, Borax, etc. around the house anyway and this made me nostalgic for the Old Days when I used to be Artsy-Fartsy and make crafts....

Tomorrow is also Buddy's birthday; the old dog turns 14, and the 16 YR old comes back from Vancouver as well (I missed her!) and I had a cute dream about 2 sweet hippos named Paws and Markle,  and I've had abdomenal pain and bad back pain for the past 4 days as well and when I went to smoke weed the other day to ease my pain when I came back inside afterwards I coul;dn't even remember what pain I had before I went out ( it obviously worked!) and I was out in the night with a clear star-filled sky and it was so peaceful and then all of a sudden it lit up even brighter and clearer and I saw shooting stars, comets and rainbows so I'm pretty sure it must have been the weed, although I only ever actually get high rarely, like 1 time out of 10( as my cannabis oil is mainly CBD not THC but when I smoke  for instant pain relief it has both but with higher THC) and I can tell when I am as my head starts crackling on the inside and my nose and throat starts to feel numb.

My fave. time of day is also sunset as it's so serene and I like to sit by candlelight and listen to music and watch the sun go down; it's very relaxing, and the other day a plane flew over our house so low too it shook the house, rattled the windows and the light shone so brightly it lit up our entire rec-room and it was so loud I thought it was going to land on our roof. Holy shit, was that ever a close one! We've had close ones before ( we live near an airforce base) but nothing like this, holy shit I half-expected it to shear off our roof or crash somewhere nearby and was even bracing myself to hear a huge explosion and see a fireball....I also shocked the 12 YR old when I said that if snyone ever hurt my dog I would pour gasoline on them and light them on fire even though I'd do the same thing if anyone hurt my kids,too, and I got this stuffed toy Dachshund and Buddy kept suspiciously eyeing it and trying to get at it and I don't know if he wanted to rip the stuffing out of it or f*ck it, and the kids are excited about the new Animal Crossing  game coming out soon and I'm just excited I found the new Dove  lavender body scrub! 

I watched the movie Joker as well as the 25 YR old suggested to me that I'd like it since I liked Black Swan and he said it was similar as a character study and he was right and I did. I thought it was good but my hubby said it was "boring" I think because it was too "deep" for him; he prefers more "shallow" movies with car chases, shootings, violence, or lame superhero movies but nothing with real substance, whereas I like movies that dig deep into characters' lives and psyches and so you can find out what makes them tick. I also like comedies. I can relate as well to a quote from the movie:

I hope my death makes more sense than my life.

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Wordless Wednesday.