Monday, February 24, 2020


I noticed yesterday that all of a sudden my hair is now mostly all grey whereas before it was what I called Salt & Pepper. I actually like it though as it's more silver than grey and it looks better than my previous natural turd-brown which was mousy and bland and the silver actually looks quite striking with my blue eyes and believe me, I need all the help I can get!My friends are also all going away for the winter,too: J is in Cuba, S is in Dominican Republic and D is in St. Lucia, lucky f*ckers. Winter actually hasn't really been that bad this year though; it's been pretty mild and not much snow and today even supposed to go up to a mild 7 C and sunny so Buddy and I hope to sit out in the backyard but it's not going to last though: we're supposed to get 10-20 cm snow on Thursday.....

The 16 YR old also brought back little souvenirs from BC(and the first thing she said when she got back was seeing my candles in the livingroom was What's with all the stupid candles?) for my hubby, the 25 YR old,and the 12 YR old but nothing for me, excluding me like always( the story of my life ; I'm always the one left out) and it hurts, and why is it the ones that you love the most treat you the worst and hurt you the most? She knows I collect fridge magnets, for example, and she could have picked me up a Vancouver fridge magnet or something small like that, to add to my collection of fridge magnets I have from all over the world; it doesn't have to be anything spectacular; just to let me know she's thinking of me and not for everyone else except me. She was also being really annoying and mean and calling Buddy names just to bug me so I never even gave that the dignity of a response and she bragged, You can't stop me! yeah.....but I can ignore her. I don't have to put up with that crap,either, and yesterday her and the 12 YR old kept f*cking around with my music when I was trying to listen to it,too, so I turned off the TV when they were playing a video game. It works both ways.I'm so sick of their shit.

This is also my new glass pipe, nice, huh? I almost burned my face off lighting it because it's so small so it will take some getting used to but that's another story.The kitchen ceiling's leaking again as well; I first saw a puddle of water on the floor and then heard a drip, drip, drip..... and looked up and saw it so I told my hubby and suggested he might want to have a look at it.....and he just put a bucket underneath to catch the drips! I could have done that myself! It looks really bad too and I expect part of it to come crashing down any time soon, just like it did last year. The 12 YR old is also 5'9 already and I bet by the time he's full-grown he'll probably end up 8 feet tall or something and he actually thought too that Bernie Sanders ( the guy I hope wins the US election) was one of the TeleTubbies! HA! In church yesterday they also said to pray for your enemies and I already do; I pray for Trump every day; every day I pray he gets removed. They didn't specify how....

 The 25 YR old had hives all over his back and chest as well after he came back from a D&D game after they ate tacos so my guess is he had some sort of food allergy, and he's really good and imaginative and creative at making up fantastical creatures and storylines for the game too and I think he'd be really good writing a fantasy novel but he doesn't believe me but I see a real talent there, and of all the kids I think the 20 YR old is most "like" me too as she also shares my love and gift of writing and art, and she too gets "images" and glimpses of upcoming events like I do (and my Babushka also did as well) and she even gives her plants names like I do,too! I also made my Epic Meatball Stew which I haven't made in so long and it was a big hit and the 25 YR old was esp. happy to see it's return he practically did a Happy Dance and then after all that my mother wouldn't let him have any so when I found out I gave him mine because I felt badly for him and that's what's love is.

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