Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Icicle.

Check out part ( only about 1/3 of it!) of the huge icicle that fell off our roof! This thing was massive and I'm not kidding; it was really big; long and thick hanging way up high where we couldn't reach to knock it off and I was always so afraid one day it would fall down and kill someone hitting them on the head or impaling them it hung there ominously but luckily the other day it got warmer and melted and it just fell on it's own when no one was there and just landed with a loud thud! by the side of the house. I don't think I've ever seen one so big. My God it was gigantic, like a huge ice dagger! I'm just so glad that thing is finally gone! It freaked me out every time I walked out the door. yesterday there were also 2 firetrucks and an ambulance outside our front and I spied and saw 3 firemen coming out of the backyard next door too but I never saw or smelled anything so no fire I guess so either a false alarm or maybe they were checking for carbon monoxide?

I'm also pretty sure I have a sinus infection judging by the pain in my face and the headache(and I have the sore stiff neck still too) and pain on my forehead and behind my eyes and fever and my mother's father had sinus issues as well so I inherited it (why couldn't I have inherited something good for once, like my uncle's coin collection that ended up worth over a  million $$$ ?)and I've had issues before too, and my mother acts like I'm  lazy too when all she  does is lay around in her bed all day and I pretty much have my laundry and cooking all done by 9 am before she even wakes up at 10:30 or later and most of my work is finished before she even gets up and all she does all day is maybe put a load thru the dishwasher when she even does that, and oftentimes it can do days without even being done....

I smoked weed to get rid of my massive headache and pain( which woke me up 2 days in a row and lasted all day) which was instant relief and as I sat there outside in the night I thought I was seeing things as a small black winged creature quickly flew past me and I thought the delusions were back again when my mother suggested it could have just been a bat and then Oh, yeah, that makes sense, that's probably what it was! I never even thought of that! I thought I was just imagining it; a small black thing the size of a bird that flew faster....I thought it was pretty funny though: the one time I thought I WAS aware I was seeing things it actually turned out it was real. My cousin in Europe was also going to see a live play at a theatre but it was cancelled due to Storm Ciara; she said the theatre roof got blown off and  the police had the road blocked off and it was so bad( all over Europe!) they had flooding and trees and power lines were down all blocking the roads. It was like some sort of hurricane or cyclone or something! It was pretty bad!

I also heard of a love where they are so connected that when one sees a vision it's only completed when the other comes and she can complete it; he can only see half and then she completes the rest. I can only hope for a love and a bond like that one day, where someone really and truly "gets" me, where we are both "halves" of one whole and together we become one whole piece, and I realize as well in my family we have generations of independent solo travelling women: my Babushka went across Europe solo, my mother's gone on cruises alone, I went to Cuba and Jamaica by myself, and my girls have moved to Japan, Toronto, Vancouver, London, and Ottawa on their own. There are also currently protesters blocking the train routes protesting oil piplelines being built and I don't know why the police don't just arrest them and simply remove  them ( this has been going on for days now and the trains are going nowhere) as why should a small vocal minority be allowed to disrupt the majority, and besides, pipelines are the safest way to transport oil anyway, and why disrupt rail service anyway? What do they even have to do with it? I am all for peaceful protests but once you start causing major havoc something needs to be done.

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