Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Perfect Day!

Yesterday was a glorious 7 C and Buddy and I actually got to spend 3 HRS sitting outside in the sun!  Yes! In February! Can you believe it? That has got to be a record! That has also got to be the best feeling in the world,too; feeling the warmth of the sun on your face. That's how I want to die. Buddy really loved it as well and he put his face up towards the sky and just revelled in it, pure joy and bliss, just like I did. There's nothing better(and it's free!) a gift from God, and my fave. thing in the whole world as well as the most relaxing and best thing to de-stress. I even got a sunburn on my face, because 3 HRS in the sun is still 3 HRS in the sun. Oh, how I've missed it and this is a rare treat this time of year but it won't last; just a repeat again today and then winter hits hard again; this is just a teaser  but I love and appreciate and am thankful for it.

My hubby also decided, in his great wisdom, to switch the browser on my computer, it will be alot faster, he says, and you won't notice any difference otherwise.... yeah....right....famous last words. The stupid thing isn't any faster; my computer still takes friggin' forever to load and is slower than Jesus' Second Coming and now not only that but with the new one I also can't find any of my bookmarks so everything took twice as long and I was unable to cast anything too, so f*ck it, I don't need this shit, so I just switched it back to the old one ( which I was perfectly happy with anyway). I hate change. He also snarled at me, Do you ever clean? to which I replied back, Do you ever NOT criticize? For the past while my hot-flashes with menopause have been so bad at night as well I have to sleep topless(yes, in winter!) and no blankets to cool down as I get so sweaty and over-heated it feels like the middle of a summer heatwave I just hope if I died in my sleep that someone has the decency to at least put my shirt back on before they call 9-1-1 so EMS don't come and find me wihout my shirt on which would be so embarrasing and undignified. This morning I also woke up with sharp chest pains and for the past week I've had bad abdomenal pain and bad back pain as well and I think if I woke up and nothing hurt I'd think I was dead.

The 16 YR old also goes out of her way to be mean to Buddy, such as calling him names and telling him she hates him, etc. which is uncalled-for and she does just to bug me because she knows I love him and it's almost like she resents him or is even "jealous" of him or something but it's weird because just because I love him doesn't mean I love her any less, and I can love more than one, and I don't love him more than her; I love them differently, and dogs aren't people and people aren't dogs and there are different kinds of love, and I haven't "replaced" her with him or anything; she pulled away from me and he came along to fill in the void giving me someone else to love me, only that wouldn't leave, and lately I noticed she's been extra mean too like she was before when she was struggling emotionally so I just hope she's OK and she's not relapsing or anything. it hurts me she's mean but it concerns me more if she's having problems again.

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